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306<br />

Part V: The Part of Tens<br />

Many new hobbyists tend to overmedicate their tanks at the very first sign of<br />

disease. This is a pattern that many people learned during childhood. If we<br />

thought chicken soup and aspirin would help cure our fish, we would probably<br />

dump that into the tank as well.<br />

A large number of diseases can be avoided through good maintenance such<br />

as frequent water changes. Avoid the temptation to pour medicine after medicine<br />

into your tank in hopes you will find the right cure. Seek the advice of an<br />

advanced hobbyist or tropical fish merchant who can help you pinpoint your<br />

problem. If medication is necessary, always follow the manufacturer’s instructions<br />

to the letter and use a hospital tank if possible.<br />

Give Your Cat a Sushi Bar<br />

Have you ever wondered why many cat foods are shaped like fish? Well, it’s<br />

no accident. In your cat’s tiny and distorted little brain, your new aquarium<br />

can be considered a free sushi bar. If your tank is not covered properly, your<br />

cat can sneak in for a quick snack while you wonder why his food is collecting<br />

dust in his bowl.<br />

Take our word for it: No amount of pleading or yelling will keep some cats<br />

from this habit if they decide that fresh seafood is their favorite. Make sure<br />

that the hood you buy for your new aquarium fits properly and snugly. If you<br />

happen to own a particularly strong or fat cat, weigh the hood down with<br />

books or some other heavy objects so that it can’t be pried or flipped up.<br />

Stuff Your Fish with Seven-Course Meals<br />

Many different varieties of fish food are on the market. A good combination of<br />

flake, frozen, and live foods help to promote good health in your wet pets.<br />

However, you need to realize that a fish’s stomach is no larger than its eye,<br />

and overfeeding will rapidly foul the tank and eventually lead to disease or<br />

death.<br />

Fish do not require seven-course meals each day to survive. If your fish are<br />

beginning to resemble the Pillsbury doughboy and are constantly getting<br />

stuck between rocks, then it’s time to cut down on the chow.<br />

Mix Apples and Oranges<br />

While browsing your local fish shop, you find yourself suddenly becoming<br />

attached to a large cichlid who looks as if it has been feeding on “instant

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