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Chapter 5: What to Put and What Not to Put in Your Tank<br />

Many artificial plants are now manufactured with attachments such as caves<br />

and rocks. These types of decorations may incorporate hanging gardens, substrate<br />

caves, and interesting bundles that are bound together in large groups.<br />

Most of the time, these combo decorations do not cost much more than<br />

single plastic plants.<br />

There are many advantages to artificial plants:<br />

Easy to clean: If you have algae problems or water that is accidentally<br />

fouled, plastic plants can be cleaned simply by running warm water over<br />

them and then gently wiping them with a moist cloth. That little sprayer<br />

attachment on your sink works wonders for this job as well.<br />

Easy to care for: Many people don’t have a lot of extra time to spend<br />

trying to keep live plants in good condition, so plastic plants are a great<br />

substitution for those who are constantly on the go. Artificial plants do<br />

not require sunlight, so if you have a busy schedule you don’t have to<br />

worry about the amount of light they receive. This is especially helpful if<br />

you don’t have timer-based lighting that turns your lights on and off<br />

automatically at pre-set intervals.<br />

Live forever: Artificial plants do not die or affect the chemistry of your<br />

tank. Dead plants can make a mess quickly, so plastic plants are a saving<br />

grace to many. Young children often benefit from use of plastic plants in<br />

that they can devote their time to learning how to care for their fish first.<br />

All artificial plants tend to show wear in time, but most will last years.<br />

Won’t be eaten: Plastic plants cannot be easily eaten or torn by more<br />

aggressive species of fish. Nothing is more heartbreaking that to have<br />

your beautifully planted tank destroyed by your beloved aquatic pets. If<br />

you have species that are natural nibblers or havoc seekers, consider<br />

artificial plants so that you don’t have to purchase new live ones on a<br />

regular basis, which can quickly get expensive.<br />

Easy to move: Artificial plants can be easily moved around when it<br />

comes time to clean or redecorate your tank. Just gently remove them<br />

from the substrate by the base and don’t worry about tearing the leaves<br />

or damaging the plants. Most artificial plants have a hard plastic base<br />

that aids in keeping them under the gravel.<br />

Wide variety: There are more choices of colors and sizes if you use artificial<br />

plants because not all fish stores carry live plants on a regular basis.<br />

There are also a few disadvantages to artificial plants:<br />

Can look fake: If you buy poor quality plants, they can look fake and<br />

ruin the look of your tank. Always buy the best quality plants that your<br />

budget will allow.<br />


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