Australia Post Annual Report 2008–09

Australia Post Annual Report 2008–09

Australia Post Annual Report 2008–09


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Notes to and forming part of the Financial <strong>Report</strong> for the year ended 30 June 2009<br />

Cashflows are included in the cashflow<br />

statement on a gross basis and the GST<br />

component of cashflows arising from investing<br />

and financing activities – which is recoverable<br />

from, or payable to, the taxation authority –<br />

is classified as part of operating cashflows.<br />

Commitments and contingencies are disclosed<br />

inclusive of GST recoverable from, or payable<br />

to, the taxation authority.<br />

(r) Acquisition of assets<br />

Assets are recorded at cost on acquisition<br />

except as stated below. The cost of acquisition<br />

includes the fair value of assets transferred in<br />

exchange and liabilities undertaken. Financial<br />

assets are initially measured at their fair value<br />

plus transaction costs where appropriate.<br />

Assets acquired at no cost, or for nominal<br />

consideration, are initially recognised as<br />

assets and revenues at their fair value at<br />

the date of acquisition, unless acquired<br />

as a consequence of restructuring of<br />

administrative arrangements. In the latter<br />

case, assets are initially recognised as<br />

contributions by owners at the amounts<br />

at which they were recognised in the<br />

transferor authority’s accounts immediately<br />

before the restructuring.<br />

(s) Property, plant and equipment<br />

Property, plant and equipment are stated at<br />

historical cost less accumulated depreciation<br />

and any accumulated impairment losses. Such<br />

cost includes the cost of replacing parts that<br />

are eligible for capitalisation when the cost of<br />

replacing the parts is incurred. Similarly, when<br />

each major inspection is performed, its cost is<br />

recognised in the carrying amount of the plant<br />

and equipment as a replacement only if it is<br />

eligible for capitalisation. All other repairs and<br />

maintenance are recognised in the profit or<br />

loss as incurred.<br />

An item of property, plant or equipment is<br />

derecognised upon disposal or when no further<br />

future economic benefits are expected from<br />

its use or disposal. Any gain or loss arising on<br />

derecognition of the asset (calculated as the<br />

difference between the net disposal proceeds<br />

and the carrying amount of the asset) is<br />

included in profit or loss in the year in which<br />

the asset is derecognised.<br />

Depreciable property, plant and equipment<br />

assets are written off to their estimated<br />

residual values over their estimated useful lives<br />

using the straight-line method of depreciation.<br />

Depreciation rates (useful lives) and methods are<br />

reviewed annually and necessary adjustments<br />

are recognised in the current, or current and<br />

future reporting periods, as appropriate.<br />

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<strong>Australia</strong> <strong>Post</strong> <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>2008–09</strong> | Financial and statutory reports<br />

Depreciation rates applying to items in each<br />

class of depreciable asset are based on the<br />

following useful lives.<br />

Buildings –<br />

GPOs<br />

Buildings –<br />

other facilities<br />

Leasehold<br />

improvements<br />

2009 2008<br />

70<br />

years<br />

40–50<br />

years<br />

Lower<br />

of lease<br />

term and<br />

10 years<br />

Motor vehicles 3–10<br />

years<br />

Specialised plant<br />

and equipment<br />

Other plant and<br />

equipment<br />

10–20<br />

years<br />

3–10<br />

years<br />

70<br />

years<br />

40–50<br />

years<br />

Lower<br />

of lease<br />

term and<br />

10 years<br />

3–10<br />

years<br />

10–20<br />

years<br />

3–10<br />

years<br />

The aggregate amount of depreciation<br />

allocated for each class of asset during<br />

the reporting period is disclosed in note 3.<br />

(t) Investment properties<br />

Investment properties are measured initially at<br />

cost, including transaction costs. The carrying<br />

amount includes the cost of replacing part of<br />

an existing investment property at the time<br />

that cost is incurred if the recognition criteria<br />

are met, and excludes the costs of day-to-day<br />

servicing of an investment property.<br />

Subsequent to initial recognition, investment<br />

properties are stated at fair value, which is<br />

based on active market prices, adjusted if<br />

necessary, for any difference in the nature,<br />

location or condition of the specific asset at<br />

the balance sheet date. Gains or losses arising<br />

from changes in the fair values of investment<br />

properties are recognised in profit or loss in<br />

the year in which they arise.<br />

Investment properties are derecognised either<br />

when they have been disposed of or when the<br />

investment property is permanently withdrawn<br />

from use and no future economic benefit is<br />

expected from its disposal. Any gains or losses<br />

on the retirement or disposal of an investment<br />

property are recognised in profit or loss in the<br />

year of retirement or disposal.<br />

Transfers are made to investment property<br />

when there is a change in use, evidenced by<br />

ending of owner-occupation, commencement<br />

of an operating lease to another party or<br />

ending of construction or development.<br />

Transfers are made from investment property<br />

when, and only when, there is a change in<br />

use, evidenced by commencement of<br />

owner-occupation or commencement of<br />

development with a view to sale.<br />

For a transfer from investment property<br />

to owner-occupied property or inventories,<br />

the deemed cost of property for subsequent<br />

accounting is its fair value at the date of<br />

change in use. If the property occupied by<br />

the group as an owner-occupied property<br />

becomes an investment property, the group<br />

accounts for such property in accordance with<br />

the policy stated under Property, plant and<br />

equipment up to the date of change in use.<br />

When the group completes the construction or<br />

development of a self-constructed investment<br />

property, any difference between the fair value<br />

of the property at that date and its previous<br />

carrying amount is recognised in profit or loss.<br />

(u) Investments and other<br />

financial assets<br />

Investments and financial assets in the<br />

scope of AASB 139 Financial Instruments:<br />

Recognition and Measurement are categorised<br />

as either financial assets at fair value through<br />

profit or loss, loans and receivables, held-tomaturity<br />

investments, or available-for-sale<br />

financial assets. The classification depends on<br />

the purpose for which the investments were<br />

acquired. Designation is re-evaluated at each<br />

financial year end, but there are restrictions on<br />

classifying to other categories. When financial<br />

assets are recognised initially, they are<br />

measured at fair value, plus, in the case of<br />

assets not at fair value through profit or loss,<br />

directly attributable transactions costs.<br />

Recognition and derecognition<br />

All regular-way purchases and sales of<br />

financial assets are recognised on the trade<br />

date, ie the date on which the group commits to<br />

purchase the asset. Regular-way purchases or<br />

sales are purchases or sales of financial assets<br />

under contracts that require delivery of the<br />

assets within the period established generally<br />

by regulation or convention in the marketplace.<br />

Financial assets are derecognised when the<br />

right to receive cashflows from the financial<br />

assets has expired or been transferred.<br />

(i) Financial assets at fair value through<br />

profit or loss<br />

Financial assets classified as held for trading are<br />

included in the category “financial assets at fair<br />

value through profit or loss”. Financial assets<br />

are classified as held for trading if they are<br />

acquired for the purpose of selling in the near<br />

term with the intention of making a profit.<br />

Derivatives are also classified as held for trading<br />

unless they are designated as effective hedging<br />

instruments. Gains or losses on financial<br />

assets held for trading are recognised in profit<br />

or loss and the related assets are classified as<br />

current assets in the balance sheet.

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