Translation Series No.1211

Translation Series No.1211

Translation Series No.1211


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gadids and sticklebacks (after K. Bahr 1936b).<br />

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K. Bahr (1935b, 1936b) was -the first to report on the stomach<br />

«content of large salmon in the sea: Among the fish investigated'were 139<br />

salMon of lengths between 73 and 116 cm. He was able to demonstrate that<br />

the changes in the composition of the food are related in the main to the<br />

seasonal vertical movements of the sand eel and of the sprat. During Jan-<br />

uary apd February the always pelagic stickleback was preponderant. With<br />

the warming up of the surface water , sand . eel and sprat moved up into the<br />

higher layers of water so that they can be captured by the salmon. Numers<br />

ically the stickleback was most common and was also most often eaten by<br />

the salmon.<br />

This result that is very impressive on account of the causal<br />

information, can, however, not be generalized and is not valid for all<br />

fishing grounds in the Baltic Sea, as could be demonstrated by Christensen<br />

(1961b) on hand of the hitherto most comprehensive material.(2100 salmon).<br />

In general the sprat must probably considered to be the most important item<br />

in the food during the entire year. They are followed by herring and stick,<br />

leback. The sand eel is of greater importance only to the south and south-<br />

east of Bornholm.'Netted salmon had larger stomach contents than the fish<br />

caught,on hooks. He did not find any food differences dependent on size .<br />

among the salmon of 60-cm to 95-cm length.<br />

F. Chrzan. (1960) has examined 65 netted salmon in the spring of<br />

1959 and 118 hooked salmon in the fall/winter of 1959 /60 from the Bay of<br />

Danzig. He came to the conclusion that the clupeids are the Most important<br />

food of the Salmon in every case. He thinks, however, that the herring<br />

. might play a more important.role than the sprat. Trigger fish and sand .<br />

eels follov behind the clupeids in regard to weight.<br />

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