Translation Series No.1211

Translation Series No.1211

Translation Series No.1211


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discharging gonads were caught during the months November to February in<br />

the Daltic Sea. Mature males are also found occasionally. Nordgaard (ac-<br />

cording to Nereheimer 1941) also has demonstrated that salmon can mature<br />

in the sea. Fertilization and development of the eggs, however, is not pos-<br />

sible, because all the necessary conditions for this are lacking in the<br />

ocean.<br />

The development of the gonads in the rising mature salmon, the<br />

act of spamning, the Conditions for fertilization and the embryonal dev-<br />

elopment have in pari investigated very thoroughly. There are, however, no state-<br />

menté about the sexual circumstances during the maritime stage.<br />

3.1. The sexhal composition of the exploited stock<br />

If we assume.that the newly hatched brood consists of equal<br />

numbers of males and females, then among the migrating smolt, the females<br />

must be in the majority, because some males always remain in the rivers.<br />

During the 'second year in the sea, the numerical proportion among the -sexes<br />

LP.26 2] •<br />

continues to shift in favour of the females, because already more males<br />

(eilse) than females have migrated to the spawning grounds. The investig-<br />

ation of the salmon catches at sea should therefore yield more females than<br />

males.<br />

In this connection we shall examine the composition in regard<br />

to length and sex of eight salmon catches of 997 fish from the-years 195 8 .<br />

and 1959 (Fig. 12). The sexual figure 6 amounted collectiveiy to 0.391.<br />

Thé value for the fishing ground 6 (Bornholm) was 0.438, that for the .<br />

fishing ground 5 in contrast only . 0.371. The differenoes between the two<br />

fishing grounds are, however, notiignificant, since the value 0.438 is<br />

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6 After A. BUckmann (1929). The decimal fraction that indigates the proportion<br />

of males is called the Sexual figure.

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