Translation Series No.1211

Translation Series No.1211

Translation Series No.1211


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PETERSEN, C. G. .11, and OrrEas -rxeim, A., 1904: Die Ostseefischerei in ihrer jetzigen Lage;<br />

I. Obersicht über die dânischen Gewasser innerhalb Skagens. Pub!. d. Circonst., 13 A.<br />

LThe fishery in the Baltic Sea in its present Ftate. I. Survey of the<br />

Danish waters inside Skagen]<br />

POPE, J. A., MILLs, O. H., and SHEARER, W. M., - 1961: The fecundity of Atlantic Salmon.<br />

Salmon Freshw. Fish. Res.,•29.<br />

PYEFINCH, K. A., 1955: A review of the literature on the Biology of . the Atlantic Salmon.<br />

Freshw. Salmon Fish. Res., 9.<br />

PIECHURA, J., 1961: Température et Salinité des eaux de la Baltique méridional août 1960 -<br />

Mai 1961. ICES, CM 1961/68.<br />

[Temperature and salinity of the waters of the southern Baltic Sea in<br />

Augupt 1960 to May 1961]<br />

SANDMANN, J. A., 1906: Obersicht über die Scefischerei Finnlands. Pub!. d. Circonst., 13 C.<br />

[Y.,urvey of the Finnish sea fishery]<br />

SCHEURING, L., 1929: Die Wanderungen der Fische. Ergebn. Biol., 5.<br />

[The migrations of fish] •<br />

. SCHRÂDER, T. H., 1928: Die erste fiatürliche Nahrung ausgesetzter Bachforellenbrut. Z. f:<br />

' Fisch., 26.<br />

[The first natural food of liberated fry of brook trout]<br />

SHAw, J., 1836: An account of sonie experiments and observations on the parr and ova of the<br />

salmon, proving the parr to be the young of the Salmon. Edinburgh, New Phil. J., 21.<br />

- - 1838: Experiments on the development and groWth of the fry of the Salmon from the<br />

exélusion of the ovum to the age of 7 months. Ibid., 24.<br />

SJÔGREN, S. J., 1962 und 1963. Det svenska laxfisket i Ostersjbomradet. Laxforsk. Inst„ Medd.,<br />

1962/9, 1963/6.<br />

[The Swecish ralmon fishery in the region of bsterse]<br />

SUWOROW, J. K., 1959: Allgemeine Fischkunde. Berlin, 1959:<br />

[General f s'n science]<br />

SVÂRDSON, G., 1949: Natural selection and eg•g number in fish.. Inst. Freshw. Res. Drottningh.<br />

Rep., 29.<br />

— 1955: Salmon stock fluctuations in the Baltic sea. Inst. Freshw. Res. Drottningh. Rep., 36.<br />

— 1957: Laxen och klimatet. Ibidem, 38.<br />

[Salmon and climate]<br />

SZATYBELRO,. M., 1957: Studies of factors influencing catching potential of Salmon and Trout:<br />

fishing gear. Morsk. Inst. 1957/9.<br />

• THukolisr, F., 1959: Die Entwicklung der deutschen Lachstreibfietzfisdierei und die Erprobung<br />

neuèr Treibnetze. Fisdierbl., 1959/9.<br />

[The development of the German salmon fishery with driftnets and the<br />

testing of new driftnets]<br />

— 1960: Untersuchungen über Bestandsfluktuationen beim Ostseeladis. Ber. DWK, 16/1.<br />

[Investigations of fluctuations in the stocks Of the salmon of the Baltic<br />

Seal<br />

— 1962: Ober Qualitâtsschwankungen und die Bedeutung der Fettspeidierung beim Ostsee- •<br />

lachs. Arch. f. Fisch. Wiss., 13/1-2. .<br />

[On fluctuations in the quality of Baltic Sea salmon and the iMportance<br />

of the fat accumulation in the Baltic Sea salmon'<br />

— 1964: . Die Selektionswirkung von Angelhaken in •dei : Lachstreibleinenfischerei. Ibidem, 1964:<br />

• 1-1.2.<br />

. . . •<br />

[The selective effect of hooks in the driftline.fishery for salmon]

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