Translation Series No.1211

Translation Series No.1211

Translation Series No.1211


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• 2.2.1.<br />

River fishing<br />

- 16-<br />

The most important fishing equipment for catching salmon in the<br />

northern rivers of the Gulf of Bothnia is the "karsinapator". In ground<br />

plan the device is constructed like the chamber of a basket. The four-<br />

cornered chamber is formed of posts driven into the river bottom, which<br />

stand at such a distance that the salmon can swim through between them.<br />

Forthe catch one spreads a net on the upètream side of the chamber; after<br />

this a second net is drawn through the chamber from the opposite side as<br />

far as the first net. The salmon caught between the two nets can afterwards<br />

be taken on board together with the gear. -<br />

In almost all rivers of the Gulf of Bothnia and in the rivers<br />

of southern Sweden the fishery is carried out in addition with the "not".<br />

This is a beach seine of varying size (see Fig. 2). Besides these two Im-<br />

portant devices . there are also in use fishtrapè that work on the principle<br />

that a side arm of the river can be laid almost dry. In addition simple<br />

• weirs serve to catch the ascending salmon.<br />

besides seines.<br />

2.2.2. Shore fishei.y<br />

In the Soviet rivers of Latvia gill nets are also being used<br />

The most important equipment for the shore fishery in the Gulf<br />

of Bothniaris the trap net (etommer) in which are also caught herring.<br />

Alomg the shores of Ingerman Land winter fishing is carried oUt with draw,.<br />

nets underneath the ice. Of considerable importance are also the Finnish _<br />

set mets that are frequently set in the form of a basket. Driftnets and<br />

set lines occur also in Schonen and Blekinge; there, as well-as in Gotland<br />

the seine also plays a certain role.'<br />

In the Gulf of Riga the herringimskets are also.the most '.<br />

[P. 232]

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