Translation Series No.1211

Translation Series No.1211

Translation Series No.1211


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of the corresponding sea year classes in the spawning swarms amounted to<br />

about 60 and 40 per cent, respectively. If we now vary the number of the<br />

salMon emigrating from the Baltic Sea and calculate with the aid of the<br />

above figures their percentages in the sea year classes in the Baltic Sea,<br />

we obtain the values listed in Table 21. It.is seen that, although the<br />

number of spawning migrants of the sea year class Ai2 is always, higher than<br />

that of the older Salmon, their Share in the sea year class A.2 of the<br />

stock in the Baltic Sea is, however, smaller. In other words: the percenr.<br />

tage of salmon of the sea year class A.2 that migrate is smaller than that<br />

of the class A.3, numerically there are, however, more because the number<br />

of the younger fish is always preponderant. After thia result there is no<br />

* longer a dïfference .as far as the matter itself is concernedii although it<br />

is not possible to carry out a quantitative comparison. *<br />

One can therefore say that salmon that have a fat content of<br />

at least . 12 per cent in the spring and a mean diameter of the oocytes of<br />

more than 1.5 mm will probably spawn in the fall of the same year.<br />

. 3.3. The fertility of the salmon<br />

For the investigations of the fertility have been used in gen-<br />

eral fish that were in the maturity stage V. With the discharging ovaries<br />

been.<br />

it is possible that some eggs have already/deposited. On the other hand,<br />

it is sometimes difficult to distinguish between recruitment oocytes and<br />

maturing oocytes during the earlier stages of maturation. Furthermore,.<br />

V. D. Vladekov (1956) points out for Salvelinus fontinalis that more mat-<br />

uring oocytes differentiate than there are mature eggs later. Because all<br />

the oocytes when fully developed would not have enough room, some are<br />

being resorbed.<br />

B. Carlin (1951), A. Lindroth (1952) and Jokiel (1950 give<br />

11). 277]

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