Translation Series No.1211

Translation Series No.1211

Translation Series No.1211


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ELSON, P. F., 1962: Predator-prey relationships between fish eating .birds and Atlantic Salmon.<br />

J. Fish. Res. Bd. Canada, Bull. 133. .<br />

ELWERTOWSKI, J., 1959: State of the southern Baltic.Sprat stodt in 1959. ICES, CM 1959/25.<br />

1964: The influence of the 1956 and 1963 winter season on the life of the southern Baltic<br />

. Sprat. Ibidem 1964/75.<br />

Fitrrscx, A., 1893: Der Elblachs. Prag, 1893.<br />

[The salmon of the Elbe]<br />

GEsNER, C., 1558: Historiae animalium liber III qui<br />

natura. Tig.uri, 1558.<br />

[Histories of animals, Book /II,<br />

GISLER, N., 1751: Rijn om Laxens natur odi fiskande<br />

- Vet. Acad. Handl., 1751-1752,6 Aufsâtze:<br />

[Investigation of the nature and<br />

Norrland] (six papers)<br />

est de piscium et aquatilium animantium<br />

— 225—<br />

which is of fishes and aquatic animals]<br />

i de Norrlândske Alfvarna. Kg!. Svensk.<br />

fishery of the salmon in the rivers of .<br />

GLOWINSKA, A., 1961: Polish observations in the southern Baltic, Jan. 1960–June 1961. ICES,<br />

CM 1961/36.<br />

HAGMANN, N., 1938: The variations in the catch of Salmon and the water levels of the rivers.<br />

• Zool. Bot. Vanamo, Ann. Zool., 5 (6), 1-45. •<br />

Soc.<br />

HALME, E., 1961: Report on Salmon tagged in Finland. ICES, CM 1961/17.<br />

HALSBAND, E., 1953: Untersuchungen über das Verhalten von Forelle (Trotta iridea) und<br />

Di:1)d (Squalius cephalus) bel Einwirkung verschiedener Auflenfaktoren. Z. f. Pis& N. F.,<br />

. 2, H. 3/4,1953.<br />

[Investigations of the behaviour of trout (Trutta iridea) and of chub<br />

(Squalius cephalus) under the influence of various external factors]<br />

HASLER, A. D., 1954: Odour perception and orientation in fishes. J. Fish. Res. Bd. Canada,<br />

Vol. 11/2.<br />

— 1960: Homing.orientation in migrating fishes. Ergebn. Biol. 23.<br />

HAYES, F. R., 1949: The growth, general chemistry. and temperature relations of salmonid eggs.<br />

.Quart. Rev. Bio t ., Vol. 24/4.<br />

HEMPEL, G., und SAHRHAGE, D., 1961: Neuere Modellvorstellungen über die Dynamik genutzter<br />

Fisdlestânde. Ber. DWK, 16/2.<br />

[Newer model.coilceptions of the dynamics of expleitod fish stocks]<br />

HENKING, H., und FISCHER, E., 1905: Obersicht über die Seefischerei Deutschlands in den Gewâssern<br />

der Ostsee. Pub!. d. Cire., No. 13 B.<br />

[Survey of> tLp Gprmnn-p.r.n fiRhpvu in Abe% wmfnrc: nt tile —Ridtie Sea]<br />

HENKING, H., 1913: Die Lachsfrage im Ostseegebiet I. Rap. Proc. Verb., 16/6,1-65.<br />

— 1916: Die Lachsfrage im Ostseegebiet II. Rap. Proc. Verb., 23/2,1-116."<br />

Line saimpn Toeston in the region or the baltic<br />

— 1929: Untersuchungen an Salmoniden. Ibidem, Vol. 61. •<br />

[Investigations on salmonids)<br />

1931: Untersuchungen an Salmoniden, 2. T. Ibidem, Vol. 73.<br />

[Investigations on salmonids, second part l<br />

. _<br />

HicxLING, C. F., and RUTENBERG, E., 1936: Tue ovary as an indicator of the spawning period<br />

_ in,fishes. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U. K., Vol. 21.<br />

HOAR, W. S., 1957: Endocrine organs (in M. E. BROWN, Physiolugy of Fishes, 1957). Acad.<br />

Press, New York, 1957.<br />

HUNTSMAN, A. G., 1941: Cyclical aimndance and birds versus Salmon. J. Fish..Res. Bd. Ca- •<br />

nada, 5/3.<br />

IntÉR, D. R., and 'BITNERS, J., 1959: Biochemical studies on Sockey-Salmon during spawning<br />

. migration, Cholesterol, Fat, Protein and Water in .the body of the standard fish. J. Fish.<br />

Res. Bd. Canada, Vol. 16/2. •

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