Translation Series No.1211

Translation Series No.1211

Translation Series No.1211


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vertical movements also in winter. The share of these kinds of fish . there-<br />

fore changes often in the opposite direction from that of the sprat.<br />

Belone and sand eel become more conspicuous only when the clupeids.beoote<br />

scarcer.<br />

6.5. The food consumption of the salmon<br />

For the treatment of this question we have only the mean weight<br />

of food, which was, according to Table 49, at its lowest during the six<br />

months October . to March. For this period we obtain as the simple mean a<br />

value of 8.7 g stomach content. The corresponding amount for the remaining «<br />

four months amounts to 39.3 g. If we assume that the latter value applies<br />

also to the months July and August, for which there is no informatiOn, •<br />

then the annual mean for the weight of food is 24 g.<br />

In the literature available to me (W. O. Côrnelius 1933, H. Mann<br />

1955, M. E. Brown 1957, various authors after E. J. W. Barrington 1957)<br />

are few statements about . the'frequency of food intake in fish and none for<br />

the salmon.-<br />

According to. Barrington (1957) the speed of digestion is smaller<br />

in fish than in memals on account of the lower temperature. At 10 ° C the<br />

.food passes through the - carp in 181Tr, at 26 ° C it does so in 4.5 hr. In<br />

sharks the digestion is supposed to be complete after three days. Karpevich<br />

and Bokova (after Suvorov 1959) state for cod and sea scorpion that the<br />

skin.of fOod fish.that is in contact with the walls of the stomach is in<br />

part dissolved after 5 hr. Cornelius (1933) fed-fingerlings of the , rainbow<br />

trout.With trout fry. He found the first indications of digestion on skin<br />

and fins of 'the fOod . fish. After five hours fins, skin and eyes were decom-<br />

•posed and the body.càvity had.been opened. The body shape was no longer

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