size: 5036KB - Crocodile Specialist Group

size: 5036KB - Crocodile Specialist Group

size: 5036KB - Crocodile Specialist Group


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49<br />

Eacb time that one of the villagers located a crocodile nest he went to<br />

adminisrrarive<br />

the<br />

head of tbe village io inform him. tI", i" t ri" t".l"r"L of ,h" ,ru_"<br />

or ro^ person aDd the approximate rocation of the nest and the,. registered the<br />

tranre,.date ard time of find on paper and went with rhat p"rroo il-fiia tl"<br />

rne prece<br />

o".t.<br />

ot paper was placed inside the nest. Tbis rimoved any confusion<br />

regarding the 'rownership,' of the nest as it *u, tt u, u""rii1i to trr"i"ii'p"."on *lo<br />

found it-<br />

This. system was organised according to a traditiotral hierarchar svstem. The<br />

administrarive personnel in charge (ihe head of rh. ,iti";; _-;;".; tbe rirte of<br />

by the tocat adminisrrator<br />

,ll^":Tlj :j i:l:rtany,'<br />

in charge-) hajhis own personal<br />

as,he was.<br />

l:::j:r,.llT: -l:TTe given a cerrain percentage of the numbei of eggs<br />

rouno. t nrs.percentage<br />

.<br />

(equivalent to 3 eggs per nest) was paid to him when<br />

person<br />

ihe<br />

tocatrng the nest was in turn paid by the farmerkolleitor. The head of the<br />

a,major parr of<br />

:1,]iq:"11:r,:"<br />

,th-e<br />

collection system and ii" tocut-p.o-otion<br />

rnereor regardtng the protection of the nest sites.<br />

In the norlh of the.country. the syslem was set up entirely by the locals and worked<br />

._",i" berng ac{ompanied by<br />

Lil]illry:<br />

a relay syslem between the people of the<br />

v||rages or the surroundings lo keep an eye on lhe sile and prevenl anv outstders<br />

rrom comtng In to eat tbe eggs or xebu passing over the nesis,<br />

In the south the same system was attempted except that the results were not as<br />

j1i3lt19l"g. Some people djd not declare rhe neits rhat rhey found so thar they<br />

wouto not have to pay lheir fee lo the head of Fokontany und one nesl was even<br />

stolen and made to look as if it had been depredated.<br />

However. this co-u ld be inlerpreted as a lack of surveillance due to a parallel lack<br />

rD rne number ot nests available to suitably justit continual site<br />

"u*eillun"".<br />

Briefly, in the North a spontaneous organisarion of the people by tbe people was<br />

witnessed wbich proved lo work very werr.<br />

c) Except with those people for whom the crocodile was considered sacred in<br />

r\raoagascar, tbe general attjlude of people towards crocodiles still remarns<br />

''eg-ahve<br />

a<br />

one, such as one can gather from certain naturalists rike perrier de la<br />

,t1<br />

3i1|11.9:t^o].,1j<br />

oeeinlils oj rhe cenrury. r"d."d ;;'ii;'"";;ary or an<br />

rnreresung aJttcie on crocodiles, "... th€- Madagascan crocodile is not giaceful,<br />

som€thing which spoils the rivers of the island. iertainly the Oriti""i."iity .f tf,i,<br />

land, with underhand manners, ferocious and with many victims beinfiaken<br />

year,<br />

per<br />

it urgently demands that rhey be destroyed by p".rt",<br />

de la Bathie could add to this that;r the otl"i fr"ni, "ry;;";;o;;;;i,i<br />

tf,! i"a"n ioter."ting<br />

animal and its eventual disaooearance could be neniioned "r."oaiL with u oo.tufgh,<br />

for.,ft. Malgache<br />

9rl<br />

in general and ttr particular those living in crocodile ""rtuin<br />

areas,<br />

rntested<br />

lhere is, for the most pat, nothing to add to rhose firri .tui"rn""t.<br />

natuElist.<br />

of tf,l,

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