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54<br />

as much as 100 m with then rewly-h.tch€d young into the low()red rcservoir. Due to lhe lack of<br />

cover however, it is unlikcly that many of these young suwived. Unfavourable conditions for<br />

nestitrg and habilat conditions thal have undoubtedly resulted in low survival of juveniles, have<br />

probably been the most imporlant impacts of the resewoir drawdown upon its resident alligator<br />


M.n'n.de impoundmenls are b€coming an increasingly abundant form of welland<br />

habitat as natural lotic systems are allered for purposes of buman industrial, recrentionalrnd/or<br />

irrigational needs. Crocodilian populations inhabiting such wctlands musl eithCr adapt to living<br />

in these nerv resewoir habitats, move elsewhere or perish. Although some populations are<br />

su iving in such impoundmerts (Alcila ^nd DyJ-iacco 1989), little intormalion is rv l?Lble<br />

concerning these animals' population biolo$/ and produclivity in these h^t'itats. Particularly<br />

hcking is any information concerning the responses of such animAls to thc pcriodic lowcring of<br />

water levcls which is oommonly required in multipurpose reservoirs.<br />

Among the beslstudied crocodili^ns utilizing . man-made reservoir arc the American<br />

allie tors (Anigator mksissippiell'r') inhabiling the ll30 ha Par Pond reactor cooling reservon on<br />

the U.S. Departmcnt of Energ/s Savannah River Sire (SRS) near Aikcn, South Carolina, in the<br />

southeastern Unjtcd States (Murphy 1977, l98l; Brisbin 1982; Brnndt 1989, l99l). Throughout<br />

the over 20 years that the Par Pond nlligalof potulalion hzrs been studicd, this reseruoir wffi<br />

never subjected 1() clr^wdown rctivities, and the resultanl slabiliry of its waler levcls albw€d the<br />

development of extensive beds ot submerged/emcrgcnt aquatic vcgctltion, pnrticularly in those<br />

portions of thc lake \{,ilhin lhe 5 6m depth contour (l'arker st dl 1973; Snilh e/ da 19:i6).<br />

Between cxrly July and mid-Seplember 1991, howcvcr, thc watcr level of I'rr l'ond wns lowcred<br />

by approximately 6m 10 allow Ior repair work 10 the reservoir's relaining dam. lhis drawdown<br />

reduced the surf^ce arm of rhe reservoir by approximalely 507, and exposed nearly all of the<br />

submergent/emcrgent vegetrlion along the lake's margins. 'l}le reservoir has remained at this<br />

lowered lcvel throughout thjs sludy (July l99l through July 1992), leaving n bare shorcUnu,<br />

surrounded by approximrtely 526 h. of cxposed mudflats which, during the spring of 1992,<br />

beg:rn to undergo terrestrial plant suct(iss in mnny arcas.<br />

Previous studies of thc Par Pond rlligrtors havc revealed thnt the number of residcnt<br />

animals hns more th^n doubled Irom An estimatcd 110 lC) 266 individuals frorn 1972-197810<br />

1986-1988 (Muryhy 1977, 1981; Brnrdl 1989, l99l). Tbese same sludies hrve showr thal hilc<br />

the sex rntio hns not changed during thrs period the populalion's age slruclure shifted slrikingly<br />

from a high proportion (64%) of l:rrgc adults in the 19705 to a high propo ion (81%) of<br />

iuveniles in the 1980s. As indicared by Brnndt (1989, 1991), these ch:rnges have been<br />

accompanied by an incrersc in the reproduclive oulpul from an average of 2.310 ,t.0 nesls per<br />

year during the samc pcriod, all being ind'cativc of n healthy and growing population which at<br />

that time, had nol yet reached its cnrrying capacity. lllerc is now conccrn, however, that<br />

chang€s created by the reservoir drawdown of 1991 night reduce ihe reservoir' suitability for<br />

alligators, particularly juveniles as a resulr of cxposurc and des.ruclion of subnergent/emergent<br />

vegeiation along the lake's margins.

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