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size: 5036KB - Crocodile Specialist Group

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89<br />

The sexual behaviors of irdividual leopard gcckos ftom dificrcnt hcubation tomperatures<br />

varies in a systcmatic ma!.oer, witt thc rcsponses offomales to malc courtship stowing the greate,st<br />

difercnce (Gutzke and Cre'; , 1988), FerMles ftom low ircubation tempratues readily cfibit<br />

receptivity whetr courtod by a Balo. Or the oth€r hard, females fiom high hcubation tempcratures<br />

r€spond more lile males tha! lite feEales fton low teEperatures. Ttey often lf,il aggessively reject<br />

the malc or attack him as would occur in a dale-Ealo encouDter. This effect ofa Dale-ploducirg<br />

temperature oD tbe feEalc phenotype is iemidscent of the well-tnown masculinizirg effecLs of<br />

a.Dalrogen treatment ilr leonatal feEale mamDrals. In other wordE high i.ncubation teEperature Eay<br />

be acring in a fashion aralogous to a.ldroge! duriDg developmeut in mamDrak.<br />

Captive Ma&gement of Reptiles with TSD<br />

Thc occurence of TSD io rBalry reptiles affords thc udque opportu.nity to artifici.lly codtJol<br />

sex detcrmination lrithin a c.ptive populatioD" However, several basic questiols must be addlessed to<br />

optid;ze thc captive DraDageEent ofrepdles qit[TSD. These questions include: (i) Whictr<br />

temperaturcs produc€ a particular s€x? (ii) Do a[ temperatues producing a particular sex r€sult iD<br />

iadividuals of equd sexual competeDce? (iii) Wlich sex ratios are best for a captive populatiotr?<br />

The ftst questio! is b€giljlilg to bc arswered in a number of species. It is beaomiDg dear<br />

tbat species which show sioila! patterDs of'ISD car bave different pivotal temperatures ( = idcubation<br />

temperature p.oduciDg a Ll sex ratio) (Bull et al., 1982; Mrosoisky et al., 1984a; Wibb€ls et al., 1991).<br />

Becausc of this variability i! tle patterns a.ud pivot3l temperatures of TSD, masipulatiry the sex ratio<br />

of a given species qould r€quire ttrat a variety of incubation lcmperatures be studied simultaa€ously to<br />

determine whid sFd6c teoipcratBro langes ploduce a giver sex ratio.<br />

Are there ccrtair optimal temperatures for producirg sexually coDpetelt indrviduals? Itr the<br />

leopard geckq the ocssional femalas resulting ftoru relatively high Eale-produciog hcubatron<br />

temp€ratures are lrot reproductively c&petent (s€€ above). Futher, the "sexual poterq/ of alr<br />

incubatiotr teEperature car vary (BDI et al., 1990; Wibbels et al., 191), For example, ia the red-eared<br />

slider tlddtl (Tru.hemrs scliprd), shiftilg eggs to a higher (fenale-producing) or a lo*er (Draleproducilg)<br />

tenperature wil rcsdt;n more stewed s€xratios. Such studies could prove difficult using<br />

turdes becauso of thc length oI time sepa.rating ircubation and adult rcproductive success. However, a<br />

liz-ard such as the leopard geckq wbich matures mpidly aDd adapt6 *€ll to captivity, could plove to be a<br />

6odel species for such studies.<br />

The ability to ma.!.ipulate sex dete.mjlatiotr by temperature nccessitates tle choosiag of ar<br />

appropriate sex ratio for a g1vetr c:ptive reari.Dg progr6m. This issue car be approached using two<br />

distinctly differert strategies. In the 6lst approach, one could attempt to duplicate the sex ratio of<br />

naturally o..urring populatios. Thc sex ratios in natual populations of leptiles witl TSD do Dot<br />

al*?ys conform to tle L1 ratio suggested by sex allocation tleory (reviewed by BuI ard Chanov, 1988;<br />

see also Limpus, 1985; Mrosorsty and Provancha, 1989; Wibb€ls et al., 1991). In facl rnary feloa.lebiased<br />

sex ratios have becn dotected as well as at least one Drale-biased sex ratio (Linpus, 198t, The<br />

evolutionary basis of skewed sex ratios i6 ulkrcwq although Bu[ and Chamov (1989) have proposed<br />

that factors such as tberEal envirooment prefererces and/or postLatchling groi+,tL rate,s could afiect<br />

the fitoess of a particular sex ald thus selcct for biased 6e.( ratios. Regarau€ss, our presert knowledge<br />

of TSD ard the resulting sex ratios pre!€nt us ftom .*ig"i"g a! evolutiorarily stable sex ratio to a<br />

give! populatiod of reptiles *ith TSD.<br />

Wlile lhe effects of sex ratio on the reproductive output of a population of reptiles witl TSD<br />

has lot bee! empirically addrc,se4 it se€&s that h situatiols ir which reproductio! is female-limited,<br />

an iocreased production of fenale offspring could signiEcardy i.ncrease the reproductive output of a<br />

captive populatio& Thus, a.n altematirc 6trategt would simply be to disregard s€-r ratios that o€cur in<br />

the wild a.rd Ea.oipulate the sex ratio of tle captive population i! order to msxiEize reproductive<br />

sucacss.<br />

If ole decides to generate a biased sex ratiq what ircubation temperahles should be used?<br />

That is, should an iDcubatior teEperature that producls the desired sex ratio be utilizrd or should a<br />

proportior of tbe eggs be incubated at a male-producing tempelature aDd lhe renfider incubated at a<br />

female-ploducirg teEperafiirc? Thesc questiors ca! be addr€ssed by studies investigating t[€ effects<br />

of hcubation temperature olt sexual colrpetence (as discuss€d above fo! lhe l€opard g€cko).

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