size: 5036KB - Crocodile Specialist Group

size: 5036KB - Crocodile Specialist Group

size: 5036KB - Crocodile Specialist Group


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87<br />

TeEperature, hy&ic coaditionq aad hornoaas rlurilg ircubatior can inlluence eEbrroric<br />

g.owth, hatchiDg suc{res, neonatal viability ad morphologr, sex rleterminatio4 ajrd cven adult<br />

physiolog a.nd behavior. ID tlc America[ aligatof (/ligator nbsbsippienslt), relatir€ly low<br />

ircubation tedperatures result i[ &e produdior of female,s, btermediate ircubado! temperatues<br />

rcsult iD both malas ard femalas, ard high incubatior teBperatures producc m6lcs. Joaren et a.l.<br />

(1987) exanircd the ctrect ofincubatiotr tedperature or the post-hatching glowth rate. Comparirg<br />

individuals ion htermediate Eale-birs€d idcubatior tempcratureE malca grow signficadly fasfer<br />

tlajr femalas h both total leogth and body weiglq at the iatermediatc female-biascd iacubation<br />

teBperaturc the fcmales aro hcavie.. This relatiorship bctwe€n incubation tomperature alld gro*th is<br />

seetr 6lso *itlin a serg wit[ fcnalcs ftom 30.6 "C incubation conditioDs growiDg faster thar femdes<br />

fron 31.7 C. O!c.6ll, thc efiect of tempcraturc on groflth i'as such tlat, witlin a limired rote,<br />

individuals fion Ligher incubatior tempcraturcs grow faster thaD do individuals ftom cooler ircubation<br />

temperatue!. Howerc., tiit intcrpretatiotr G coDrplicated by a difrere ial .ru.ot cfiect betweetr<br />

teEpcratuos; thal4 the temp€Iatute that r€$lteal h tte larg€ar aainals also Lad the lo*€st<br />

p€rc€ntage of ruts (delineatcd as the bottoE 10% of tlc bast growing group), while the two erreEe<br />

tchpcraturqs (29.4' a.nd 32.8 C) had ilc highcst iacidelce of ruds.<br />

hcubatio! tempcratue ca! also alfecJ thermoregulatory behaviors that have consequodc€s for<br />

growth. lang (19&7) studied thc elfod of i.ncubatiotr tempclature on body tempelature (Tb) selecrion<br />

in the Sia$ese Gococlile (Oocodtlli sidmensis). Eggs *lle incubated at 28" c' a teDrperature<br />

producing aI feEales, or at 32.t - 35" c, which Foduces all Eales. Individuals fron rtc higher<br />

iocubatior teEperature not ooly grow faster but select a higher Tb.<br />

In all of these studiixs, admals were Loused in social groups ad hencr social htenctions, such<br />

a5 domi&rce a.nd subordi&tioo, Eay traDslate ilto acc€ss to foo4 thereby influercing the rasults.<br />

Similady, thc tcDrpcnturc at wLictr animals are rais€d (versrB thc tomp€raturc at which they werE<br />

iacubatcd as eggs) or possible s€x differcnccs ilr thermoregulalory behavior could have ar effect. To<br />

avoid thesc problcms, reasoiabl€ controls would bc !o rairc 6ubjects at a constant teEperaturc prior to<br />

tesB for thermoregdlation aid to rcar e3ch bdividul in isolation.<br />

It is coBEor laowledge amoog breeders of capti!€ reptiles that ircubation temp€raturc can<br />

iolluencc adult b€havior. Recelt studies with tLe leopard ge.ko (Eublepholit macaran'6) provides sn<br />

excelled example of how tempefthuc duling embryogene.sis affects subs€quent developEeDt. In lhis<br />

specieE Eosdy males are produc€d at futemediatc teEperaturcs (305 - 35. C), whereas only females<br />

arc produced relativcly low ( - zA Q ai at rcar lethd incubatioo tcmperatures (3435. C). In our<br />

studigs we have raised leopard geckos i! isolatioD at a temp€.atuie idtermediate to the i.ncubation<br />

teEpcratrues.<br />

As adults, leopard gectos hare marked scxual dimorphisms i.n morphologf. For c)(ampL, a<br />

secondaty s€x ctraracter is thc spccializ€d secretory porcs loqtod arterior to ttc cloa@. Iu Ealcs, as<br />

well as feEales from high incubation temperatues, thesc pores are opeo, while iD fedales ftom low<br />

hcubatio! temperatures, tley are closed Head <strong>size</strong> also is s€xually dinorphiq rritl males having<br />

widcr heads tha.u females. However, wit[in each sex, tLe higher the incubatiotr temperaturo, tle wider<br />

the head of thc adult (Crew\ 1988)<br />

It must be approciated that in spccies witl TS4 incubatior tcmperaturc atrd sex co-vary. That<br />

is, in TSD rliflereuces between individuals coutd be duc to the incubatio! te&perature of the cg& the<br />

gonadal sex of the individual$ or both factors combined. If the contribution of each is to be asssssed,<br />

they mtlst be dissociated. Our studies with the leopard gecko Lave entailed removiDg the goaads of<br />

individuals ou hatchiry (to determire tho role ofgonadal horDrones ir poshatal development),<br />

admiDisteritrg honuonc to ircubating eggs (to overide the Ilorma.l effecG of tcmpcranrre), atrd<br />

compariag tie growth ard behavior of individuals of the saee sex but produced at different<br />

temperatures. Figurc 6 indic{te,s that b t[e leopard gecko, both iacubatioa teEpcrature ard the sex of<br />

&e animal havc sigdifica.d effcds on body growtL Further, the presenc€ of the ovaries, but lrot tle<br />

test€S attenuates body gro*tb" It should bc noted tbat tle opposite pattern is found ia the red-sided<br />

garter sDalq itr this species males are staller thar fcmales an

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