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Limitations on Congressional Power: Limited Times, Term Extension and the First Amendment 77<br />

copyright law presumptively (though not categorically) immune from First Amendment<br />

scrutiny.<br />

[The CTEA] protects authors’ original expression from unrestricted<br />

exploitation. Protection of that order does not raise the free speech<br />

concerns present when the government compels or burdens the communication<br />

of particular facts or ideas. The First Amendment securely<br />

protects the freedom to make—or decline to make—one’s own speech; it<br />

bears less heavily when speakers assert the right to make other people’s<br />

speeches. To the extent such assertions raise First Amendment concerns,<br />

copyright’s built-in free speech safeguards are generally adequate to<br />

address them.<br />

Are archivists and librarians trying to digitize orphan works asserting “the right to<br />

make other people’s speeches”? Does retrospective term extension—as to those works—<br />

have an expression-promoting effect? Are the internal limitations of copyright enough to<br />

protect their activity?<br />

3.) What is the strongest criticism that could be made of Justice Breyer’s opinion? If his<br />

proposed standard of review should be used here, why not in Commerce Clause cases?<br />

4.) Justice Ginsburg and Justice Breyer both seem to think that “copyright is different,”<br />

that its rules present special constitutional issues, though they disagree strongly on what<br />

those differences are. If you had to sum up why Justice Ginsburg believes Congress<br />

deserves judicial deference and that copyright legislation should be presumptively free<br />

from First Amendment scrutiny, how would you do so? If you had to sum up why Justice<br />

Breyer thinks that this issue deserves heightened scrutiny, how would you do so? How<br />

do they frame the issue differently?<br />

Golan v. Holder<br />

132 S.Ct. 873 (2012)<br />

GINSBURG, J., delivered the opinion of the Court. BREYER, J., filed a dissenting<br />

opinion, in which ALITO, J., joined.<br />

Justice GINSBURG delivered the opinion of the Court.<br />

The Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works (Berne<br />

Convention or Berne), which took effect in 1886, is the principal accord governing international<br />

copyright relations. Latecomer to the international copyright regime launched by<br />

Berne, the United States joined the Convention in 1989. To perfect U.S. implementation of<br />

Berne, and as part of our response to the Uruguay Round of multilateral trade negotiations,<br />

Congress, in 1994, gave works enjoying copyright protection abroad the same full term of<br />

protection available to U.S. works. Congress did so in § 514 of the Uruguay Round<br />

Agreements Act (URAA), which grants copyright protection to preexisting works of Berne<br />

member countries, protected in their country of origin, but lacking protection in the United<br />

States for any of three reasons: The United States did not protect works from the country<br />

of origin at the time of publication; the United States did not protect sound recordings fixed<br />

before 1972; or the author had failed to comply with U.S. statutory formalities (formalities<br />

Congress no longer requires as prerequisites to copyright protection).

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