Ph.D. thesis (pdf) - dirac

Ph.D. thesis (pdf) - dirac

Ph.D. thesis (pdf) - dirac


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4.3. Inelastic Scattering Experiments 61<br />

(see also section 4.3.8). Combining all this we get<br />

(<br />

lim I inc(Q, t) = exp − Q2 〈u 2 )<br />

〉<br />

. (4.3.29)<br />

t→∞ 3<br />

We use the above expression in order to calculate the mean square displacement<br />

from measured elastic intensities in chapter 7. The analogous result in the coherent<br />

case reads<br />

(<br />

lim I coh(Q, t) = S is (Q)exp − Q2 〈u 2 )<br />

〉<br />

. (4.3.30)<br />

t→∞ 3<br />

The incoherent intermediate scattering function goes from I inc (Q, t = 0) = 1 to<br />

I inc (Q, t = ∞) = exp(−2W). The coherent intermediate scattering function goes<br />

from I coh (Q, t = 0) = S coh (Q) to I coh (Q, t = ∞) = exp(−2W)S is,coh (Q) (see figure<br />

4.2). The inherent structure factor, S is,coh , contains only structural information,<br />

the Debye Waller factor, exp(−2W), contains only dynamical information, while<br />

the structure factor, S coh (Q) depends on both on the structure and the dynamics<br />

of the system.<br />

The long time limit of the normalized coherent intermediate scattering function is<br />

called the nonergodicity factor, f Q , (figure 4.2), because it measures the relative<br />

intensity of the correlations which survives in the long time limit. It has a nontrivial<br />

Q-dependence. It also has a non-trivial dependence of the structure because<br />

it contains both dynamical and structural information. If the structure is somehow<br />

changed, then the nonergodicity factor also changes even if the amplitude of the<br />

vibrations is kept constant.<br />

One phonon scattering<br />

In the approximation where only the harmonic part of the forces in a solid are taken<br />

into account then the displacements of each particle can be described by the sum<br />

of displacements due to the normal modes of the system. Each normal mode is<br />

associated with an eigen-vector and a frequency. The harmonic modes give rise to<br />

harmonic oscillations in the time dependence of I coh (Q, t) and hence to delta peaks<br />

in its Fourier transform S coh (Q, ω). The contribution to the coherent dynamical<br />

structure factor is for plane waves in the one-phonon approximation given by<br />

S coh,inel (Q, ω) =<br />

exp(−2W)<br />

4πMN<br />

∑<br />

exp(−iQ · r i ) (Q · e s) 2<br />

i,s<br />

ω s<br />

∫ ∞<br />

−∞<br />

[exp(−i(Q · r i − ω s t))〈n s + 1〉<br />

+exp(i(Q · r i − ω s t))〈n s 〉] exp(−iωt)dt (4.3.31)

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