Information Only - Waste Isolation Pilot Plant - U.S. Department of ...

Information Only - Waste Isolation Pilot Plant - U.S. Department of ...

Information Only - Waste Isolation Pilot Plant - U.S. Department of ...


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Table 14.<br />

Case 3 - 10th ORE ZONE CASH FLOW (WIPP Area)<br />

MinIng Recovery = 90% and Mining Height = 4.5 Feet<br />

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8 13.251 37237831 493401101"1; d.90! 6.29; 5920811 1.481 11.63! 33514051 2264151124IV111i.ll,~S~6: .. 85~260<br />

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14 16.251 11600941 18851510.8010.901 5.13! 2262181 0.571 4.701 10440851 18461541E5!l!0!j!0,.ll54S\2460034<br />

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1 7 17.75i 797295! 1415201 0.801 0.901 4.691 1698241 0.421 2.941 717566] 1690141! .:31>1 65~()i. 0. 78SII[.. 2641862<br />

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20 19.251 . 11613! 391663i 0.801 0.90! 4.331 4699961 1.17i 1.17! 1831152\ 1S58442i.Jl.86511l~i 0.94!i!if. 1119703<br />

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