Annual Report 2005 - Chubb Group of Insurance Companies

Annual Report 2005 - Chubb Group of Insurance Companies

Annual Report 2005 - Chubb Group of Insurance Companies


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(c) A property and casualty insurance subsidiary is- The property and casualty underwriting operations<br />

sued a reinsurance contract to an insurer that provides consist <strong>of</strong> four separate business units: personal insurfinancial<br />

guarantees on debt obligations. At December 31, ance, commercial insurance, specialty insurance and rein-<br />

<strong>2005</strong>, the aggregate principal commitments related to this surance assumed. The personal segment targets the<br />

contract for which the subsidiary was contingently liable personal insurance market. The personal classes include<br />

amounted to approximately $350 million, net <strong>of</strong> reinsur- automobile, homeowners and other personal coverages.<br />

ance. These commitments expire by 2023.<br />

The commercial segment includes those classes <strong>of</strong> business<br />

that are generally available in broad markets and are<br />

(d) The Corporation occupies oÇce facilities under <strong>of</strong> a more commodity nature. Commercial classes include<br />

lease agreements that expire at various dates through multiple peril, casualty, workers' compensation and<br />

2019; such leases are generally renewed or replaced by property and marine. The specialty segment includes<br />

other leases. In addition, the Corporation leases data those classes <strong>of</strong> business that are available in more limited<br />

processing, oÇce and transportation equipment. Most markets since they require specialized underwriting and<br />

leases contain renewal options for increments ranging claim settlement. Specialty classes include pr<strong>of</strong>essional<br />

from three to ten years. All leases are operating leases. liability coverages and surety. Reinsurance assumed includes<br />

the business produced by <strong>Chubb</strong> Re. In Decem-<br />

Rent expense was as follows:<br />

ber <strong>2005</strong>, the Corporation transferred its ongoing<br />

Years Ended reinsurance assumed business to Harbor Point (see<br />

December 31<br />

Note (2)).<br />

<strong>2005</strong> 2004 2003<br />

(in millions) CFS's non-insurance business was primarily structured<br />

OÇce facilitiesÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏ $86.5 $ 90.1 $ 88.8 credit derivatives, principally as a counterparty in portfo-<br />

EquipmentÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏ 14.2 14.9 16.5 lio credit default swap contracts. The Corporation has<br />

$100.7 $105.0 $105.3 implemented a plan to exit the credit derivatives<br />

business.<br />

At December 31, <strong>2005</strong>, future minimum rental pay- Corporate and other includes investment income<br />

ments required under non-cancellable operating leases earned on corporate invested assets, corporate expenses<br />

were as follows:<br />

and the Corporation's real estate and other non-insur-<br />

Years Ending<br />

ance subsidiaries.<br />

December 31<br />

(in millions)<br />

Performance <strong>of</strong> the property and casualty underwrit-<br />


2007 ÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏ 88.5 ing segments is measured based on statutory underwrit-<br />

2008 ÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏ 80.8 ing results. Statutory underwriting proÑt is arrived at by<br />

2009 ÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏ 70.1 reducing premiums earned by losses and loss expenses<br />

2010 ÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏ 58.1 incurred and statutory underwriting expenses incurred.<br />

After 2010 ÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏ 253.1 Under statutory accounting principles applicable to<br />

$639.8 property and casualty insurance companies, policy acquisition<br />

and other underwriting expenses are recognized<br />

(e) The Corporation had certain commitments total- immediately, not at the time premiums are earned.<br />

ing $1.0 billion at December 31, <strong>2005</strong> to fund limited<br />

partnership investments. These capital commitments can Management uses underwriting results determined in<br />

be called by the partnerships during the commitment accordance with generally accepted accounting principles<br />

period (on average, 1 to 4 years) to fund working capital (GAAP) to assess the overall performance <strong>of</strong> the under-<br />

needs or the purchase <strong>of</strong> new investments.<br />

writing operations. Underwriting income determined in<br />

accordance with GAAP is deÑned as premiums earned<br />

(14) Segments Information<br />

less losses and loss expenses incurred and GAAP underwriting<br />

expenses incurred. To convert statutory underwriting<br />

results to a GAAP basis, policy acquisition<br />

The principal business <strong>of</strong> the Corporation is property<br />

and casualty insurance. The proÑtability <strong>of</strong> the property expenses are deferred and amortized over the period in<br />

and casualty insurance business depends on the results <strong>of</strong> which the related premiums are earned.<br />

both underwriting operations and investments, which Investment income performance is measured based on<br />

are viewed as two distinct operations. The underwriting investment income net <strong>of</strong> investment expenses, excludoperations<br />

are managed and evaluated separately from ing realized investment gains and losses.<br />

the investment function.<br />

Distinct investment portfolios are not maintained for<br />

The reporting format for property and casualty under- each underwriting segment. Property and casualty inwriting<br />

results by business unit was changed in the Ñrst vested assets are available for payment <strong>of</strong> losses and<br />

quarter <strong>of</strong> <strong>2005</strong> to more closely reÖect the way the expenses for all classes <strong>of</strong> business. Therefore, such assets<br />

business is now managed. Prior year amounts have been and the related investment income are not allocated to<br />

restated to conform with the new presentation. underwriting segments.<br />


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