rok 2007 - Fakulta chemickej a potravinárskej technológie

rok 2007 - Fakulta chemickej a potravinárskej technológie

rok 2007 - Fakulta chemickej a potravinárskej technológie


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1. semester (MSc) Laboratory Practice in the Major I 0/0/10<br />

Boča, Kotočová, Ondrejkovičová,<br />

Ondrejovič, Růžička<br />

Laboratory Practice in the Major I 0/0/10 Segľa, Valigura<br />

2. semester (MSc)<br />

Indirect Methods of Research of Inorganic<br />

Compounds<br />

2/2/0 Mašlejová, Boča<br />

Crystallochemistry 2/0/0 Mikloš, Jorík<br />

Laboratory Practice in the Major II 0/0/6 Jorík, Mašlejová, Mikloš<br />

Spectral Methods of Control Technological<br />

Processes<br />

2/2/0 Segľa<br />

2. semester (MSc)<br />

Reaction mechanisms of Inorganic<br />

Compounds<br />

2/0/0 Šima, Ondrejkovičová<br />

3. semester (MSc) Inorganic Materials 2/1/0 Koman<br />

Bioinorganic Chemistry 2/1/0 Melník, Valigura<br />

Laboratory of Speciality 0/0/10 Koman, Papánková, Ružička,<br />

3. semester (MSc) Inorganic Biopharmacs 2/0/0 Ondrejkovičová<br />

Catalysis 2/0/0 Ondrejkovičová<br />

Engineering of Inorganic Substances 2/0/0 Ondrejovič, Mikloš<br />

4. semester (MSc) Diploma Thesis 0/0/27 supervisors<br />


VEGA Project No 1/2453/05 Tuning the Magnetoactivity of Coordination Compounds (Roman<br />

Boča).<br />

New theoretical strategy in calculating and predicting the magnetic parameters has been outlined. This is beyond<br />

the spin Hamiltonian formalism and it includes all the relevant interactions in mononuclear complexes. The<br />

corresponding program handles the complete space spanning by the crystal-field multiplets and Zeeman levels.<br />

An extensive modeling of magnetic functions has been done for all d n electron configurations of transition metals.<br />

See monograph: R. Boča: Struct. Bonding 117 (2006) 1-264.<br />

Magnetic Parameters and Magnetic Functions in Mononuclear Complexes Beyond the Spin-Hamiltonian<br />

Formalism.<br />

Project duration: from 01. 01. 2005 to 31. 12. <strong>2007</strong><br />

MVTS Project No NEM/Slov/DAAD/Darm05 Magneto-structural relationships for novel<br />

substances and materials (Roman Boča).<br />

New type of the magnetostructural correlation in mononuclear complexes has been outlined; magnetic anisotropy<br />

parameter D (that is the axial zero-field splitting) correlates with the structural distortion given by the departure of<br />

the chromophore from the octahedral symmetry. This knowledge could be of a key importance for a rational<br />

design of single-molecule magnets and a fine tuning of their properties.<br />

See: R. Ivaniková, R. Boča, L. Dlháň, H. Fuess, A. Mašlejová, V. Mrázová, I. Svoboda, J. Titiš:<br />

Polyhedron 25 (2006) 3261-3268.<br />

Heteroleptic nickel(II) complexes formed of N-donor bases, carboxylic acids, and water: Magnetostructural<br />

correlations<br />

Project duration: from 01. 01. 2005 to 31. 12. <strong>2007</strong><br />

MVTS Project No NEM/Slov/DFG/CH Molecular Electronic Multistability (Roman Boča).<br />

Spin crossover phenomenon was studied by several experimental techniques: SQUID magnetometry and<br />

Moessbauer spectroscopy on novel polynuclear substances. The prepared iron(II) and Fe(III) complexes show a<br />

temperature-induced spin crossover. In the case of dinuclear and polynuclear complexes a stepwise process is<br />

relevant (multistep spin crossover).<br />

Project duration: from 01. 01. 2002 to 31. 12. <strong>2007</strong><br />

APVT Project No 20-005204 Magnetostructural Correlations in Unconventional Magnetic<br />

Materials (Roman Boča).<br />

Polynuclear complexes have been sysnthesized and their magnetoactivity investigated in detail. By a<br />

simultaneous analysis of the temperature dependence of the magnetic susceptibility and a field dependence of<br />


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