rok 2007 - Fakulta chemickej a potravinárskej technológie

rok 2007 - Fakulta chemickej a potravinárskej technológie

rok 2007 - Fakulta chemickej a potravinárskej technológie


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value of produced foods. This is closely connected with the development and optimalization of basic<br />

physicochemical and biochemical processes used from raw material to final products. These trends are topical all<br />

over the world preferred by advanced national and multinational institutions. In our country there are demands<br />

mainly defined by EU. Proposed project builds on the research have been solved in the last years at our<br />

department to develop gained results.<br />

Project duration: from 2005 to <strong>2007</strong><br />

D. AV Project No 4/0013/07 Monitoring, fractionation and using of cereals for industrial<br />

production of food products with health benefit properties (E. Šturdík)<br />

The first goal of this project is the monitoring and fractionation of health benefits substances in cereals. Upon the<br />

evaluation of analyses and the selection of the most suitable cereal species and varieties, these cereals and/or their<br />

fractions will be used to make foods for particular nutritional purposes (hereinafter the dietetic foods or parnuts) as a<br />

healthy human diet, with main emphasis being laid on their preventive and medicinal properties. Selective nutrients will be<br />

added to such foods in order to improve the qualitative properties of doughs and final bakery products, including the<br />

possibility of extending their life. The sensory and hygienic quality of newly proposed dietetic foods will be considered at<br />

the same time.<br />

Project duration: from <strong>2007</strong> to 2009<br />


A. Nutrition and health in training and education - M. Takácsová; V. Frank<br />

Preparation of variable training and educational modules for various groups. Preparation of conceptual framework<br />

and subjects for whole-life education in nutrition, health and food safety in cooperation with the EAEA - European<br />

Association for the Education of Adults (http://www.eaea.org/slovak/eaea.html) and Institute of whole-life<br />

education at Slovak University of Technology (http://www.stuba.sk/svk1/icv/slovak.html). Establishing of the<br />

Educational centre STU in co-operation with College of Education of the Trnava University. Development of<br />

programmes for pre-school and school nutrition recommendations.<br />

Project duration: from 2004 to 2006<br />

B. Project ESF No. (ITMS) 131 201 10055 "Preparation and realization of specialists in the field<br />

of human nutrition" (V. Frank)<br />

At the present time, it is generally accepted that in favour of health of human population it is necessary to focus<br />

our aim most of all on the field of prevention. It means to secure appropriate nutrition of population from point of<br />

view of various ages, physical and intellectual activity, profession and the like. In this direction it is inevitable to<br />

prepare needed specialists already at this time.<br />

Project duration: from 2005 to <strong>2007</strong><br />

C. Project ESF No. (ITMS) 131 201 10100 "Training of enterprise skill for biotechnological<br />

industry" (E. Šturdík)<br />

The aim of the project is to prepare an excellent scientists from research, academic and other institutions for<br />

practical enterprising and to lead them into founding (establishing) of own firm.<br />

Project duration: from 2006 to 2009<br />


A. Cooperation in Slovakia<br />

Institution Type of cooperation Responsible person Duration<br />

Adivit Nitra<br />

Experimental and consult. projects<br />

E. Šturdík, E. Hybenová, M.<br />

Kováčová, L. Dodok, B.<br />

Hozová, Ľ. Valík<br />

Since 2004<br />


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