Connect - Schneider Electric

Connect - Schneider Electric

Connect - Schneider Electric


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Family ties<br />

To the best of the Company’s knowledge, none of the members of the Supervisory Board or Management Board are related to each other.<br />

Conflicts of interest<br />

To the best of the Company’s knowledge, there are no arrangements<br />

or understandings with major shareholders, customers, suppliers<br />

or others pursuant to which a member of the Supervisory Board<br />

or Management Board has been selected as a member of an<br />

administrative, management or supervisory body or a member of<br />

Senior Management.<br />

To the best of the Company’s knowledge, there are no confl icts<br />

of interest between any duties of the members of the Supervisory<br />

Board or Management Board to the Company and their private<br />

interests or other duties.<br />

> 8. Management interests<br />

and compensation<br />


To the best of the Company’s knowledge, the members of the<br />

Supervisory Board and Management Board have no restrictions<br />

on selling their Company shares aside from those stipulated in<br />

stock option and stock grant plans (see page 249 and following)<br />

for Members of the Management Board and a 250 share-holding<br />

requirement for members of the Supervisory Board.<br />

Corporate officers and Executive Committee compensation policy**<br />

The general principles underlying the Senior Management<br />

compensation policy and the situation of each executive are<br />

reviewed by the Remunerations and Appointments and Human<br />

Resources Committee and presented to the Supervisory Board.<br />

The policy’s aims are to:<br />

• retain and motivate the best talents;<br />

• reward individual and collective performance;<br />

• align overall compensation with the Group’s results.<br />

The variable remuneration, expressed in terms of a percentage<br />

of the fi xed element, is linked to the attainment of objectives set<br />

out at the beginning of the fi nancial year. There can be quite a<br />

considerable variation in amounts depending on the degree of<br />

attainment of objectives. This fl uctuation can vary from 0% to 160%<br />

of the fi xed remuneration for Members of the Executive Committee<br />

and 200% for the Chairman of the Management Board. The variable<br />

remuneration is therefore of a distinctly random nature.<br />

The variable remuneration of Executive Committee Members are<br />

determined as follows:<br />

• 30% is determined by Group’s overall performance, as measured<br />

in terms of operating margin, organic growth, cash generation<br />

ratio and customer satisfaction rates;<br />

• 70% is based on the performance of the executive’s unit<br />

(economic targets), as measured on the basis of collective<br />

targets (solutions, the Company’s social responsibility, people<br />

development etc.) and on the attainment of measurable personal<br />

goal set for them.<br />

The remuneration of the Management Board Members is set<br />

by the Supervisory Board based on the recommendations of<br />

the Remunerations and Appointments and Human Resources<br />

Committee.<br />

The variable remuneration of the Management Board Members are<br />

determined as follows:<br />

• 70% is determined by Group’s overall performance, as measured<br />

in terms of operating margin, organic growth, cash generation<br />

ratio, customer satisfaction rates, corporate social responsibility<br />

and people development);<br />

• 30% on the attainment of measurable personal performance<br />

targets set by the Supervisory Board.<br />

Directors benefi t from an annual long-term participation scheme<br />

that gives them a performance-based allocation of shares, linked in<br />

part, for Executors or those who are residents in the USA, to stock<br />

appreciation rights (SARs) that are akin to stock options. Stock<br />

options are no longer been allocated since December 2010.<br />

As part of this long term participation scheme, 100% of the shares<br />

and/or SARs allocated to Members of the Management Board<br />

since January 2009 and to Members of the Executive Committee<br />

since December 2011 are subject to a performance criterion.<br />

The level of performance attainment recorded is controlled by the<br />

external auditors.<br />

Details of these stock grants are set out on pages 249, 253 (History<br />

of share plans).

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