Setting new standards - Friends Life

Setting new standards - Friends Life

Setting new standards - Friends Life


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Reporting to shareholders<br />

The Company places considerable importance on communications<br />

with shareholders and responds to them on a wide range of<br />

issues. It has an ongoing programme of dialogue and meetings<br />

with major institutional shareholders, where a wide range of<br />

relevant issues including strategy, performance, management and<br />

governance are discussed. Further, the Chairman and the senior<br />

independent director are available to meet major shareholders and<br />

the Chairman writes annually to the 20 largest shareholders,<br />

emphasising his availability should they wish to meet with him.<br />

During 2006, no such meetings with the Chairman were requested<br />

by shareholders. Twice during the year, the Chairman and the<br />

directors met with the Company’s joint brokers, JPMorgan<br />

Cazenove and Merrill Lynch, following completion of the executive<br />

presentations to major shareholders. This helps the non-executive<br />

directors to maintain an up-to-date understanding of the views of<br />

major shareholders.<br />

At its AGM, the Company complies with the provisions of the<br />

Combined Code relating to the disclosure of proxy votes, the<br />

separation of resolutions and the attendance of directors,<br />

particularly committee chairmen. The timing of the despatch of<br />

the formal notice of the AGM complies with the Combined Code.<br />

The outcome of every general meeting of shareholders, including<br />

detailed voting results and votes withheld, is published on the<br />

Company’s website following the close of the meeting.<br />

Institutional investors<br />

As an institutional investor, the Company aims to exercise wise<br />

stewardship over the companies in which it invests. The<br />

Company’s approach to socially responsible investments has been<br />

enhanced by the Responsible Engagement Overlay (reo ® )<br />

developed by the Company’s fund manager, F&C, which complies<br />

with the principles set out in the Institutional Shareholders’<br />

Committee’s Code of Activism, including comprehensive and<br />

considered voting and dialogue, where appropriate, with investee<br />

companies. The Company’s policy on socially responsible<br />

investment can be found on the corporate website<br />

www.friendsprovident.com/sri, which also includes the voting<br />

reports, voting policy and latest <strong>new</strong>sletter.<br />

Internal controls and risk management<br />

The Group has in place an ongoing process for identifying,<br />

evaluating and managing the significant risks it faces. The Board<br />

regularly reviews the process through the risk committee structure<br />

and confirms that it complies with the ‘Internal Control: Revised<br />

Guidance for Directors On The Combined Code’ published by the<br />

Financial Reporting Council and the ABI Disclosure Guidelines on<br />

Socially Responsible Investment, which focus on social, ethical<br />

and environmental (SEE) risks.<br />

The Board of the Company is ultimately responsible for the<br />

Group’s systems of internal control and for reviewing their<br />

effectiveness. These systems are designed to manage rather than<br />

eliminate the risk of failure to achieve business objectives, as no<br />

business can be successful without taking some risk. They can<br />

thus provide reasonable but not absolute assurance against<br />

material mis-statement or loss.<br />

The Board has conducted an annual review of the effectiveness<br />

of the Group’s systems of internal controls and risk management.<br />

The Company’s Audit and Compliance Committee has also<br />

received:<br />

• a review of the operation of the Group’s risk management<br />

framework from the Group’s risk management function;<br />

• a report from the Group’s independent internal audit function<br />

of the framework’s effectiveness; and<br />

• assurances from the Group Risk Committee that the risk<br />

committees within the operating subsidiaries have reviewed<br />

the effectiveness of the internal controls and risk management<br />

activities within their respective remits.<br />

These reports commented on the controls that had operated<br />

during the year under review and where any significant failings or<br />

weaknesses were identified, actions have been taken or are being<br />

taken to remedy them. Through this process, the Audit and<br />

Compliance Committee was able to recommend to the Board the<br />

approval of the statements concerning internal controls and risk<br />

management statements.<br />

52 <strong>Friends</strong> Provident Annual Report & Accounts 2006

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