Glenn – No Beauty In The Beast – Israel Without Her Mascara

Glenn – No Beauty In The Beast – Israel Without Her Mascara

Glenn – No Beauty In The Beast – Israel Without Her Mascara


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THE NEW SANHEDRIN 99arrive at the conclusion that what was being discussed was some form of religious extremism emanatingfrom the Middle East, which would be partially correct. Where clarification is needed though, is inrecognizing that in this case the real threat existing today to the religion of Christianity and its adherentsis not posed by Islamic Extremism, but rather is to be found lying within the sentiments of JudaicExtremism, <strong>The</strong> New Sanhedrin, and never before has it been more apparent than now.As much as the American media, (for decades now a mouthpiece for the interests of Marxist Zionism) haspropagandized America since the fateful day in which the Twin Towers came down concerning the“hatred for Christianity” that it alleges is the defining characteristic of the Islamic religion, neverthelessfrom time to time the mask comes off the <strong>Beast</strong> and gives the observant spectator a glimpse of what betterconstitutes reality. Whether such sloppiness is the result of laziness on the part of those weaving the spellor whether it is the product of divine providence makes little difference in the fact that the world shouldbe grateful that it happens, even if it is only too infrequent. <strong>In</strong> such instances, the act of the <strong>Beast</strong> inrevealing itself allows truth, (if even only for a brief moment) to have an opportunity in dispelling theclouds of confusion under whose cover an agenda is permitted to operate. It is understandable howsloppiness like this can exist, since maintaining a deception is a full-time job, much akin to keeping adead corpse alive through artificial means. As such, from time to time the hypnotists managing thedelusional state of American Christianity are not as diligent in covering all their tracks and tying up allthe loose ends with respect to the propaganda they peddle which fuels American involvement in theMiddle East.<strong>The</strong> double-sided justification for this involvement, after all the polemics and flowery arguments areremoved can be reduced to two main ideas, the one being that Muslims hate Christians, and the otherthat Americans who consider themselves to be Judeo-Christian in their orientation owe their allegianceto the Marxist state of <strong>Israel</strong>. <strong>In</strong> furtherance of this agenda, <strong>Israel</strong>’s propaganda infrastructure in Americahas hidden not only what are the easily verifiable sentiments of respect and veneration which Muslimsmaintain towards Christ and those who follow him, but as well have kept hidden the malicious sentimentsheld by adherents of Judaic extremism which can be verified with equal ease.This cover-up has been accomplished by what has become a fast moving shell game in which the Muslims,who hold and always have held Christ in the highest regard, have been inaccurately portrayed as hisenemies, while the real villains have gone unsuspected and unmentioned throughout the entirety of thediscussion. This is tragic on several levels, not only in the fact that a decades-long war has now beenlaunched against almost a billion people under completely false pretenses, but as well in the fact that itillustrates what has become the intellectual capacity of the average American Christian Zionist in his orher blind support for the interests of Marxist Zionism. <strong>The</strong> average American who has swallowed thebait put forth by a Zionist media that the religion of Islam is inherently anti-Christian in its foundationscould have easily become better enlightened in an afternoon of reading, not <strong>The</strong> New Republic or theother rags that are nothing more than rolls of toilet paper passing for Zionist propaganda, but ratherpassages of the Qur’an, a process by which much if not all of the negative notions which have been putforth concerning the religion of Islam and its adherents would have been reduced to the meaninglessdribble that they are. By doing so, the curious American would have found out that he or she has muchmore in common with the adherents of Islam than has been revealed, including a shared belief in Christas the Messiah, his miraculous works, and that he is favored in the eyes of the creator. <strong>In</strong> addition to this,it would have been discovered as well that Christ’s mother is revered as the highest woman ever to havewalked the face of the earth, and that his Apostles are held in the same esteemed positions of honor thatthey occupy in the religion of Christianity.

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