Glenn – No Beauty In The Beast – Israel Without Her Mascara

Glenn – No Beauty In The Beast – Israel Without Her Mascara

Glenn – No Beauty In The Beast – Israel Without Her Mascara


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52REASONSthe more profligate among them—nevertheless has been given assistance in the quiet compliance thatthe rest of the group has afforded to them throughout time. Throughout their troubled history and inevery instance in which one from among their leadership was caught red-handed in some nefariousbusiness that roused the anger of the Gentile population around them, what should have been done by therighteous members of the Jewish community, by those who fancy themselves as being a “light amongnations,” by a community who practiced what they preached and lived out the depiction that they havecrafted for themselves as “God’s chosen people” would have been to join the rest of humanity incondemning such business in the interests of objective right and wrong. <strong>In</strong>stead, what they have done, inperfect conformity with the program that has been installed in their intellectual hard drives was to run tothe defense of those who were in truth planting the seeds of future misery for them and for their ownchildren. <strong>In</strong> choosing to insulate the criminals from among them and in refusing to condemn what havehistorically been acts of wickedness committed by their own, what they did was to deny that there wasany god higher than that which benefited the tribe. Over the course of thousands of years, what has takenplace has been the institutionalizing of this criminal mindset and causing it to perpetuate itself in such away that any behavior, even the murder of millions, is acceptable if the tribe somehow comes out on top ofall of it. And thus, by so doing, what they in effect have done was to co-operate in fleshing out a pictureof a monolithic conspiracy of Jewish interests in the minds of the various Gentile populations who existedin their midst, and with it all the predictable reactions and counter-pressures. <strong>The</strong> image that wouldfinally take shape before the eyes of the rest of the non-Jewish people is one wherein the Jews could becounted on to excuse any evil that was committed by one of their own, and particularly if such evilhappened to touch a Gentile in an unfortunate way.And so, such it is today, as <strong>Israel</strong> goes about the business of implementing a program of extermination forthe world’s 1.5 billion Muslims and of stealing their land and oil, and few there are to be found fromamong the tribe who are willing to speak out against such criminal behavior. <strong>In</strong> such a way, there existsa nation of Manchurian Candidates spread throughout the globe, or as ex-<strong>Israel</strong>i intelligence officer VictorOstrovsky named them, a world-wide network of sayanim who contain within their thinking a programthat is initiated whenever they are exposed to certain trigger words and which compels them into executinga particular action for the benefit of their handlers who remain behind the scenes. It is no different thanwhat took place in America during the 20th century with the Italians, who would protect and insulate thecriminals living among them, and by so doing, fashion a prejudice among the rest of the community thatall Italians were Mafiosi.And thus we have the real reasons for the persecution of the Jews throughout history. Had the Jews notallowed themselves to be pitted against the rest of the non-Jewish world by virtue of the elitist, supremacistagenda that has been the vehicle for empowering the more profligate from among them, they wouldhave assimilated and enjoyed what would have been a period of peace and cultural advancement. Hadthey abandoned the notion that they were a race apart, had they abandoned the idea that they were“God’s chosen people” who were “destined to inherit the earth” and who would “make footstools of alltheir enemies,” there would have been no pogroms and no holocausts. Had they listened to the liberatingmessage preached by the Palestinian carpenter that contained within it the keys that would unshacklethem from the enslavement of supremacist thinking that inevitably leads to conflict with other peoples,there would have been no Diaspora nor any captivity in foreign lands. Had they flushed down the memoryhole the junk science formulated around the supremacist heresy going by the name of Pharisaism,Sanhedrinism, or its later politicized and popularized name, Zionism, there would have been no perpetualwar between them and the rest of the world’s peoples, as has clearly been the case. When examined inthis light it is no mystery then why there is such hatred to be found for Christ within the pages of Judaism’s“holiest book” the Talmud, and particularly after considering the manner in which Christ’s liberating

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