Glenn – No Beauty In The Beast – Israel Without Her Mascara

Glenn – No Beauty In The Beast – Israel Without Her Mascara

Glenn – No Beauty In The Beast – Israel Without Her Mascara


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THE NEW SANHEDRIN 101by a Zionist propaganda infrastructure. What ability for independent thought which hasn’t been torn toshreds by the Zionist agenda in mainstream media like some intellectual abortion has been accomplishedby the seduction of Christian Zionism, whose false prophets are given all the leeway they need inmanipulating what remains of independent thought. If the American intellect were in tact, able to thinkfor itself critically about the current controversy surrounding the movie and its content, then what wouldinevitably result would be the dissonance and cacophony of the crashing together of contradictorystatements, leading inevitably to a series of questions and debate. Tragically, the fact that organizedJewish groups, (most notably the ADL) are those who are spearheading the attack on Gibson’s film hasbarely caused a blip in the American consciousness or curiosity, even though the relevance in this fact isof momentous importance. <strong>In</strong> an America which has been warned to “watch out for the adherents ofIslam who are out to destroy Christianity and its followers” by the propaganda which it has been forcefedon a daily basis by a Jewish owned media to not take note of the importance of the current controversyonly portends the worst. One can imagine the campaign that would be launched by a Zionist media upona complacent and intellectually compliant American public if the opponents to the film were Muslimsinstead of Jews. Rather than getting the sanitized coverage that it has received up to now, such oppositionto the film would make headline news every hour on the hour and would be the subject of talk-showsdesigned to raise the ire of American Christianity. Such coverage would without question incorporate inits content the message concerning the dangerous existence of religious extremism and how it threatensthe American way of life, and used to bolster the Zionist agenda of wiping out <strong>Israel</strong>i’s enemies in theprocess.This event brings to clarity what is the unfortunate status of American intellectual decay which can onlybe accurately described as in an advanced and possibly irreversible stage. And despite the fact that ChristianZionists (not only the religious but irreligious as well) are making at least the pretense of defending themovie, nevertheless they are complicit in covering up what are the true roots of the peculiar brand ofreligious extremism which is driving the opposition to it. One must wonder whether or not their motivesfor defending the movie are rooted in general sentiments which are favorable to Christianity, or whetherinstead they find themselves in the frightful position of possibly having their carefully constructed masksripped off, revealing them for the frauds that they are. Certainly, it has been a difficult juggling act forthem, calling themselves Christian while at the same time supporting the most anti-Christian agendawhich has ever been hatched in the last 2 millennia, that being the agenda of Marxist Zionism as managedby members of the New Sanhedrin.“We gave you strict orders not to teach in his name, yet you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching and aredetermined to make us guilty of this man’s blood.” Acts 5:28<strong>The</strong> above quote, although 2,000 years old, nevertheless encompasses the agenda which has been feverishlyand mercilessly enacted in America today against the religion of Christianity and its adherents. <strong>In</strong> theprocess, the Christian faith which is day by day assaulted and regulated by the legal process and made tobe the butt of jokes on prime time television has been harrowed and hushed over the course of the last 30years through the efforts of Zionist groups operating under orders from their corporate headquarters in<strong>Israel</strong>. Whether such an agenda has been realized through the dizzying number of lawsuits brought tosilence and remove the effervescence of Christian sentimentality from American society or whether it hasbeen accomplished through the efforts of a Zionist media and its immoral programming, neverthelessthe message which has been imparted upon American Christianity has been a decisive warning “not toteach in His name”. It is within this context that the lunacy and duplicity of Christian Zionism becomesall too apparent. For all the grandstanding that such groups do in challenging the secular attack on Christian

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