Glenn – No Beauty In The Beast – Israel Without Her Mascara

Glenn – No Beauty In The Beast – Israel Without Her Mascara

Glenn – No Beauty In The Beast – Israel Without Her Mascara


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ONE LESS THAN SIX MILLION 111millennia. From the Pharisees of the Sanhedrin to the Pharisees at the ADL, it has been the racist, exclusivistmindset entertained by those in leadership positions which has been the cause of friction between Jewand Gentile and which has led to anti-Semitism. Being that, historically speaking, persecution of theJewish people has been good for business for the likes of <strong>Her</strong>zl and others, therefore it should come as nosurprise to find them rubbing their hands greedily in expectation of what has been for them a reliablesource of enrichment and propagandistic revenue. And as diabolical as such scheming appears to bewhen it exists merely in the theoretical stages, more so is it when it is moved from the drawing table tothe production line, for in addition to those who theorized, such as <strong>Her</strong>zl, there are those as well whowere directly responsible for the same suffering and persecution which has become the lifeblood of theHolocaust religion.Besides those ardent Zionists who helped finance Hitler’s rise to power (exemplified by Jewish bankinginterests, including those of the Warburgs, Rothshields, and others) more dastardly is the history of thosewho refused to help those Jews who were suffering under the Holocaust as it was occurring.“About the cries coming from your country, we should know that all the Allied nations are spilling much of theirblood, and if we do not sacrifice any blood, by what right shall we merit coming before the bargaining table whenthey divide nations and lands at the war’s end? For only with blood shall we get the land.”<strong>The</strong> cold, calculating, ambitious words of the above quote illustrate what was the willingness of Zionistinterests to participate in the suffering of the Jews for the purpose of furthering their cause. <strong>The</strong>se demonicsentiments are none other than those that were enunciated by representatives of the World ZionistCongress, the most powerful Zionist group in the world at the time. <strong>The</strong>se damning words were part ofa response sent to Michael Ben Weissmandl, a Rabbi who, after being taken prisoner by the Nazis inSlovakia, worked out an arrangement with his captors for the release of tens of thousands of Jews uponpayment in the amount of $50,000.00 to officials of the Third Reich. <strong>The</strong> response he received from NathanShwalb, representative of the World Zionist Congress, clearly shows what was a deliberate effort on thepart of Marxist Zionism to participate in the suffering of European Jewry for the purposes of increasingtheir leverage and power. <strong>In</strong> addition to this, it has been chronicled with equal clarity the cooperationthat took place between the Third Reich and the leaders of the Zionist movement, namely Dr. RudolfKastner, for the transfer of almost 1 million Jews to the now infamous death camps in return for therelease of a few thousand who were ardent followers of Zionism and considered to be good prospects forthe future state of <strong>Israel</strong>. <strong>In</strong> addition to these and other nauseating depictions of betrayal and duplicity,the history of the event also reveals what was the involvement of Zionism in acts of terrorism and murder,manifested in the bombings of Synagogues and assassinations against anti-Zionist Jews, acts which werethen exploited for their propagandistic value in driving Jews into the protective, loving arms of Zionism.<strong>The</strong> instances of Jewish leaders executing violence and subterfuge against their own for the purposes offurthering the interests of Zionism are too numerous in number to discount. And as surely as Hitler’sremaining henchmen were rounded up and subjected to the justice of the Nuremberg Trials, so too shouldhave been those individuals who held the seats of power in the Zionist organizations and who (for thepurposes of consolidating power among themselves) conspired to subject world Jewry to the now infamousinstances of inhumanity and suffering. And yet, these historical accounts and many others of similarstripe are conspicuously not mentioned when the ghouls who operate the ADL, JDL, and other organs ofespionage and propaganda for <strong>Israel</strong>’s benefit maintain what has become a state of heightened hysteriaconcerning the ever looming spectre of anti-Semitism and its history. And if a seldom mentioned historyhas now indicted those individuals who have acted as cannibals upon the suffering of their own people,reducing their victims to a state of sub-humanity who are of no worth outside of that which brings

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