Glenn – No Beauty In The Beast – Israel Without Her Mascara

Glenn – No Beauty In The Beast – Israel Without Her Mascara

Glenn – No Beauty In The Beast – Israel Without Her Mascara


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170NO BEAUTY IN THE BEASTto imagine. Despite the festivities taking place aboard the Titanic, there came a moment when the obviouswas impossible to avoid noting, and thus it will be with those in the Christian West as their civilizationreaches its last days. Like some patient who has just learned that he has a terminal incurable disease,who knows that death has now become his constant companion and will be ushering him into the nextworld, he sits in that doctor’s office and asks what he can expect in those last days before his departure.And as the doctor describes the series of events, the failure of organs, the wracking pain, the incoherence,what overcomes the future guest of death’s estate is the sense of regret, the regret of having lived badly,for having invited this terminal condition into his life by having willfully allowed the poisons of a diseasedworld into his once healthy body. And so it will be in the formerly Christian West, whose members will,on the eve of their own destruction, take an accounting of what has brought them to the edge of thisabyss, and what will inevitably result will be that deafening wail of regret that always seems to precedethe destruction of all great civilizations, and one can imagine how loud that it will be on that day.It will be louder than any conceivable thing, louder than all the bombs that have been dropped in Iraq,and louder than all the bullets that have been fired in Afghanistan. It will be louder than all the screamsof Palestinian parents who have cradled in their arms the mangled bodies of dead children who weredeliberately killed in order to ethnically cleanse the Promised Land, Eretz Y’<strong>Israel</strong> of the Arab filth thathas polluted it for centuries. It will be louder than the thunder that was produced when the towers cametumbling down in New York, and louder than the panic heard in the voices of Congressmen as they fledAmerica’s capital following the discovery of anthrax in the building. It will be louder than the pleas formercy that took place in the halls of the Abu Ghraib prison as Iraqi men, women and children werebeaten and sodomized by self-described Christians who signed up in droves so that they could go andsteal the sand niggers’ oil for Jesus. It will be louder than the cheers that were heard as 5 <strong>Israel</strong>i intelligenceofficers danced on top of a building in Manhattan while filming the horrific spectacle of 2 jetliners crashinginto a building, and it will be louder than the screams of the thousands of people who lost their lives inthe process. It will be louder than all the growling and snarling that erupted from the mouths of religiousand racial bigots working for <strong>Israel</strong>i intelligence as the world’s most popular actor prepared to release afilm depicting the dignity of the man most revered by what remains of the world’s Christians.And like our friend in that doctor’s office, what the Western world will be left to consider in the remainingdays of its life will be the fact that all of this was avoidable. Had they but listened, had they but consideredthe weight of history. For the Christian West, who at present is engaged in the business of slaughtering1.5 billion Muslims for the benefit of humanity’s future overlords in Tel Aviv, the day will arrive whenthey themselves will realize that the Muslims were their natural allies against this beast, and that it wasonly due to the bravery and steadfastness of those in the Islamic world that the Christian West had beenable to survive as long as it had. What those who will be walking amidst the rubble of their destroyedcivilization will realize, much too late, is the fact that had the same “rag heads,” “hajjis” and “sandniggers” (whom they so willingly went about the business of destroying) had these people not tied upthe energy and resources of the Zionist agenda for the last fifty years, the Christian world (which is thereal target of <strong>Israel</strong>’s plans for extermination) would have long ago succumbed to such a ruthless enemy.What they will be forced to consider is the fact that it was the same Muslims (whom the Christian Westwhored itself out in merchandising the kiss of death) who recognized the beast, the Anti-Christ, Dajjal,in the diabolical agenda known as Zionism, and who were willing to give their lives in resisting it. Whatthe Christian world will be left to ponder is the fact that the Muslims knew for centuries that the creationof such a political corporation such as the state of <strong>Israel</strong> was tantamount to releasing a deadly plagueupon the earth, as evidenced by the fact that in the Islamic religion Azrael is the name given to the angelof death. What the Christian West will be left to ponder, and one of the bitterest pills of all to swallow,will be the fact that the war against Islam was in reality a war against Christianity, for it was those in the

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