Glenn – No Beauty In The Beast – Israel Without Her Mascara

Glenn – No Beauty In The Beast – Israel Without Her Mascara

Glenn – No Beauty In The Beast – Israel Without Her Mascara


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184INDEPENDENCE DAYwellspring of their culture by the very same assassins who bow at the feet of the <strong>Israel</strong>i agenda.After all, what is the event being remembered this evening, and for which all of this energy and effort isbeing expended? <strong>The</strong> day when a group of rugged individuals refused to be enslaved by a man namedGeorge who was a puppet to the business interests and corporations that controlled him? <strong>The</strong> day inwhich patriots stood up to the most powerful political, economic, and military power in the world at thattime for the chance to run their lives free of those who would be their overlords? <strong>The</strong> day in which theyfought back against an invasion initiated by foreign powers that threatened the peace and prosperity oftheir lives and the lives of those whom they loved? Please…no more.It is something that, out of respect for the dead, should be put on hold for a while, this celebration of<strong>In</strong>dependence Day in America. <strong>No</strong>t only out of respect for those who gave their lives fighting for thisthing known as freedom 200 years ago in America, but more importantly, out of respect for those who arefighting for it today and who are being rewarded with nothing but scorn and derision by Americans fortheir efforts. <strong>The</strong> honor that is due to the minutemen at Lexington Bridge who were killed by the British isshamed and tarnished when remembering the event in which 35 of America’s young men were deliberatelymurdered by the <strong>Israel</strong>is in 1967 when the ship that carried them, the USS Liberty, was torpedoed, napalmedand machine-gunned for almost 2 hours with the quiet complicity of the American government. <strong>The</strong>outrage with which Americans recall the unsuccessful assassination attempt on George Washington’s lifeby the British is irredeemably defiled when paired next to what was successfully realized by a nuclearweapons-hungry <strong>Israel</strong> against the same John F. Kennedy who stood in her way of getting the bomb. <strong>The</strong>disdain that Benedict Arnold has suffered for 2 centuries now and counting as a result of his treachery inturning coat and siding with America’s enemy at that time is but a grain of sand placed alongside amountain when considering the manner in which today all the elected members of the Americangovernment have unflinchingly cast their lots with the worst enemy that America has ever had.<strong>Her</strong>e they were this night, standing solidly behind the man who lied to them about the reasons for America’sentry into the present war being fought in erecting the <strong>Israel</strong>i empire, King George, the man responsiblefor the deaths of thousands of sons and daughters serving in the American military and who has promisedto send even more to die in the coming years, and they cheer. This man and his coterie who silently sentback to <strong>Israel</strong> the nest of spies, 200 or more, who played an indispensable role in the deaths of 3,000Americans on September 11 th sits atop his throne receiving the adulations of a compliant and conqueredAmerican people. <strong>The</strong>y hoop and holler over their ancestors having thrown off the shackles of a foreignpower 2 centuries past, and yet drink themselves silly over the fact that they have become the usefulidiots of a foreign power whose thirst for supremacy and blood makes what was ‘British tyranny’ in 1776look like paradise. Even now, as the next terrible event is being planned that will dwarf what took placeon 9/11, these individuals who today inform on their friends and family to the Zionist thought police andwho would have been the loyalists in America’s war against Great Britain 200 years ago refuse to see theobvious for what it is.And it is in this light therefore that our American friend, watching from a distance as the fires of duplicityand treachery consume the land that he used to love becomes a refugee, a wanderer without a home andwithout a country to which he can swear his allegiance. He sees the circus in town for what it really is, afarce of unprecedented historical outrage that should be an abomination in the eyes of every decent humanbeing on the planet. <strong>The</strong> presence of these individuals tonight at what should be the solemn ceremony ofcelebrating freedom and of commemorating the sacrifices made by selfless individuals for their belovedcountry is as appropriate as would be a whore clad in a red dress at someone’s first communion ceremony.

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