Glenn – No Beauty In The Beast – Israel Without Her Mascara

Glenn – No Beauty In The Beast – Israel Without Her Mascara

Glenn – No Beauty In The Beast – Israel Without Her Mascara


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38REASONSfits as a result of its effects. For those who insist upon remaining within the protective confines of theirdelusion however, let just a few items, taken from a mountain of similar facts be considered.*It is no accident that the decline of Western Civilization has taken place simultaneously with the ascentof the Jewish supremacist agenda. Those who have acted as the agents of this agenda can be found ininstance after instance during the course of the last century assisting in the introduction of all the variousplagues that have all but decimated the West, from communism to the moral relativism that has supplantedthe order of these various societies. It is no accident that individuals such as these are to be found directlyinvolved in the financing and hands-on machinations of the various communist revolutions in Europewhich have left the heart of Christendom, Europe, a rotted out shell of what it once was, as well as inbringing to fruition two world wars that left the Christian world decimated and destabilized forgenerations.*It is not incidental that the West now finds itself fighting a war against the Muslims and that the entitythat benefits the most from it is <strong>Israel</strong>. It is no accident that many of George Bush’s advisors have beenthroughout their careers paid agents for the <strong>Israel</strong>i government, nor is it an accident that Bush has staffedhis cabinet with individuals who are of the same stripe of Jewish supremacist thinking and who elevatethe well-being of this little terrorist state of <strong>Israel</strong> over the well-being of their own nation and people. Thislittle project has been on the drawing table for quite a long time, and an honest examination of what wasdone to the careers of previous presidents reveals what was a concerted effort on the part of the Jewishsupremacist agenda in placing “their man” in the White House for the furtherance of wiping out Zionism’senemies. Under Reagan it was Libya and Lebanon, under Bush the Elder it was Gulf War I, and underClinton a failed attempt at Gulf War II.*It is not by chance that all the main institutions of power in the West; media, academia, law, and financeare and have been dominated by those loyal to the Zionist agenda for the last century. By controlling allthe organs of the political body, all bodily functions, including life and death, are harnessed in such away so as to serve the interests of the host. Thus, all policies as well as all debate and discussion arecarved out of a schedule which puts the interests of the Jewish supremacist agenda at the very top.*It is not by coincidence that the intellectual process found in the average Westerner is such that the bulkof his affections and sentiments are arranged so as to be in near perfect conformity with the Zionistagenda. <strong>In</strong> bombarding those in the West with a minute by minute assault on their thinking processesthrough media programming designed to reduce their intellects to that of functioning idiots, what hasbeen created is a civilization of people who cannot reason for themselves outside of the parameters thathave been set for them by their overlords working for the Jewish supremacist agenda.*It is not an accident that spies working for the furtherance of the <strong>Israel</strong>i agenda are routinely caught inthe act of sabotage and afterwards released without any fanfare. Despite one man’s conviction, JonathonPollard, nothing has been done with respect to the spying that has been successfully realized against notonly America, but as well against the entire Western world. <strong>In</strong> addition, the West has stood by and donenothing with respect to bringing to justice those working for the Jewish supremacist agenda who havebeen responsible for acts of terror and war against the countries of the West, just a few instances of whichinclude the Lavon affair, the bombing of the King David Hotel, and the attack on the USS Liberty, inaddition to the various assassinations of Westerners, both civilians as well as powerful members of Westerngovernments.*It is not by chance that every vice known to be such—pornography, abortion, sodomy, et al—is nowcelebrated and has been elevated to the level of virtuousness to the obvious detriment of a healthy societyresulting from over-powering effect of the Jewish supremacist agenda upon the institutions of the West.

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