Glenn – No Beauty In The Beast – Israel Without Her Mascara

Glenn – No Beauty In The Beast – Israel Without Her Mascara

Glenn – No Beauty In The Beast – Israel Without Her Mascara


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REASONS 55It doesn’t take a mathematician or a military strategist to see the logic in this reasoning. For all the rot thathas encompassed the Christian West—the fact that virtually every country within it has taken seriouslyill as a result of having drunk from the well that has been poisoned by the Jewish supremacist agenda—such a condition would be much worse were it not for the fact that this agenda has had to divide itsresources and energies between the West and the Middle East. Conversely, what this means is that oncethe Middle East “problem” has been “taken care of,” thus freeing the Zionist agenda to concentrate itsefforts on the West, the process of decay and destruction for Pharisaical Judaism’s eternal enemy will bemoving along at an accelerated rate.<strong>The</strong>refore, as a Christian and as a father of many children, I cannot help from entertaining what is a largemeasure of gratitude for what these people in the Muslim world have done. Were it not for the fact thatthey believe so strongly in right and wrong and are willing to fight for the rights of the omnipotent beingwho created them—were it not for the fact that they cannot be bought nor bullied—my children, whoseinnocence and lives are being eyed on a daily basis by the beast of the Jewish supremacist agenda wouldbe much closer to the jaws of death than they are now. Were it not for the fact that the Muslim world hastied up the resources and energy of the Zionist agenda in such a formidable manner, we in the ChristianWest would be much further along in the process of losing our freedoms and our culture.<strong>The</strong>refore, I cannot in good conscience view their struggle in any other light than in the context ofadmiration and gratitude. <strong>The</strong> fact that the rest of those in Christian world refuse to do so and insteadeither align themselves with the Jewish supremacist agenda that wants the Muslims destroyed or elseapproach the whole subject in a spirit of nauseating ambivalence tells me that those in the Christianworld have come to hold in quiet contempt a good portion of that which the peasant carpenter from thePalestinian town of Nazareth had to say.Within the midst of this discussion that puts those in the Muslim world in a more favorable light, theepileptic fits that will be displayed by the modern day Pharisees who have elevated this supremacistagenda to the level of a god can be dismissed outright without the slightest consideration. It should beobvious to all by now wherein lies their intellectual honesty, and therefore how little of this discussiondeserves to be occupied with their sentiments. All the screaming sessions that they orchestrate over thedangers of “Islamic extremism,” when analyzed thoroughly, betray the fact that these sentiments arerooted in a self-serving agenda that cares little about the West or anyone else for that matter. What mustbe remembered is that in such a program, it is “Islamic extremism” today, “Christian extremism” tomorrow,“Hindu extremism” next week, “Buddhist extremism” next month, so on and so on, until they havesubdued the entire planet. Remember that being totalitarianist in their thinking means that conventionallyunderstood concepts have different meanings for them, and therefore when we hear the word “extremism”what we should understand is that what they really mean is “opposition to their agenda”.But more important than this, what must be remembered above all else is that the real blame for thisthing known as “Islamic extremism” falls squarely in the lap of those attempting to shove the Zionistagenda down the throat of the rest of the world’s peoples and cultures.Were it not for the extremism that is the Jewish supremacist agenda and the manner in which it has beenforcibly applied to those around the world, and more importantly to those in the Middle East, therewould be no such thing as “Islamic extremism”.It is the extremism of the Talmudic thinking that is the backbone of this supremacist agenda, an extremismsteeped in self-absorbed narcissism and which views all non-Jews as animals fit to be enslaved and thenslaughtered that has resulted in the Muslim world reacting in so violent a manner as it has.

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