Link to thesis - Concept - NTNU

Link to thesis - Concept - NTNU

Link to thesis - Concept - NTNU


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7. ConclusionsDriversIn this context, drivers are fac<strong>to</strong>rs that create needs or impose pressure on projects <strong>to</strong>be flexible.UncertaintyUncertainty is the key driver for project flexibility, and arguably the only one. Theother drivers mentioned below are in fact only highlights of selected types ofuncertainty. In this <strong>thesis</strong>, uncertainty has been related <strong>to</strong> a gap between the amount ofinformation needed <strong>to</strong> make a decision and the amount of information available(based on Galbraith 1993). In order <strong>to</strong> manage this information gap, flexibility isprimarily a way of reducing the amount of information needed. Other projectmanagement approaches often focuses on increasing the available amount ofinformation.DurationThe longer the duration of a project, the more likely it is that some prerequisitesbecome no longer valid. Long duration is likely <strong>to</strong> result in more or less suppressedneed for scope changes. Both cost and demand estimates are more uncertain thelonger the time perspective is. What is ‘long’ duration is highly dependent upon thetype of project. Experiences from previous projects of the same type provideindications of how long prerequisites are likely <strong>to</strong> stay sufficiently stable.ConflictsFlexible projects can contribute <strong>to</strong> conflict solutions. However, conflicts that aroseduring the preparation or execution of a project have been observed as an importantdriver for flexibility. Project flexibility can also be an issue of conflict. Flexibledecision processes are likely <strong>to</strong> be valued by those who do not prefer an initialdecision. Stakeholders who benefit from the initial decisions are less likely <strong>to</strong> favour acontinued flexible decision process.Insufficient preparationsEven though it is not a recommended situation, projects that for political or otherreasons are pushed <strong>to</strong> a premature go-ahead decision are likely <strong>to</strong> need an activeapproach <strong>to</strong> flexibility. This type of project has been observed <strong>to</strong> be flexible, notbecause of opportunities for increased benefit or reduced cost, but <strong>to</strong> be possible <strong>to</strong>implement. For such projects, project flexibility serves as a cover-up for a lack ofpreparation.Flexibility optionsAvailability of flexibility options and redundant resources can serve as an invitation <strong>to</strong>make adjustments. Of the studied projects, those with a high planned flexibility in thedecision process also had a high actual flexibility in the decision process. If there arepossibilities for adjustments and iterations, it is likely that flexibility options will beutilised. This means that the presence (or knowledge) of flexibility enablers can workas a flexibility driver.38

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