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liked that you know they wanted to speak in their language so I would just getthem to say good morning, good afternoon and they taught the class how tosay goodbye and that kind of thing” (class teacher, S4)“I don’t think they did [speak in L1] we did a erm I think with Mrs M we did alike a Polish area with a table and things cos he used to go and see his familyfor maybe three or four weeks and the same with Jenny did that we askedthem if they’d bring some things back with them and we’d set up an area with atable and things like that but I must admit no we didn’t really we said hello andgoodbye in their language and things but as a whole no (.) I’m really you knowin hindsight really we erm maybe sh- could have had more support on madeit more of a two way thing rather than them just learning the English languageand cul- and fitting in with us really” (teacher, S7)it’s good to “try to learn a little bit of it and trying to show that it’s you know notone over the other” (class teacher, S3)Comments on: Attitudes towards bilingualism and bilingual children“I think they’re great they’re miles better than me (.) I always tell them thatbrazenly you’ve got so many more skills than I’ve got I wish I was like that”(headteacher, S1)“I think it’s sort of admired by like everybody (laughs) (.) we’re very ignorant wecan’t (.) it’s like when we go on holiday you expect people to speak English youdon’t learn Spanish to go on holiday and so you (.) I feel it’s very important thatthey keep who they are but then they do have to (.) learn English to be part ofthe social network in the school area (class teacher, S3)Comments on: Peer support“the indigenous white children also have unenriched language so their rolemodels are poor” (headteacher, S1).“if they become friends with children with different languages and abilities itwill bring them right round so it is important” (teacher, S3).“another boy in the class who spoke Russian at home (.) he used to teach ussort of words every now and then (.) we used to get it wrong and he’d be likeno you’re saying it all wrong (laughs) (…) all the children loved it you know theywere saying what can you teach me what can you teach me” (teacher, S3).“when they first come here if you’ve got two Spanish speakers together theywill still be Spanish speakers and their minds and ears will not be open toabsorbing the language” (headteacher, S5).158 | UK Primary School

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