Download - EnglishAgenda - British Council

Download - EnglishAgenda - British Council

Download - EnglishAgenda - British Council


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YUMPU automatically turns print PDFs into web optimized ePapers that Google loves. 1Questionnaire 2a b c d e f g h i j k l m n oa. Languages cannot be translated word-for-word.b. The tone of a speaker’s voice (the intonation pattern) carries meaningand is different in different languages.c. Each language-culture use gestures and body movements (bodylanguage), which convey meaning.d. All cultures have taboo (subjects which should not be discussed) topics.e. It is important not to judge people from other cultures by the standardsof my own culture.f. To be able to communicate with someone in a foreign language youhave to understand their culture.g. Learning culture is part of learning a foreign language.h. It is important to understand my own culture when learning a foreignlanguage.i. Learning a foreign language means learning new kinds of behaviour.j. Learning a foreign language means learning new beliefs and values.k. Culture and language are linked.l. Specific languages, cultures and countries are always linked (e.g. theEnglish language, English culture and England).m. Languages can be linked to many different cultures (e.g. the Englishlanguage can be used to express the cultures and countries in which itis used such as India, Singapore, Thailand).n. Individuals are members of many different groups including theircultural group.o. Cultures may be defined and understood differently by different groupsand individuals.Table 8: Attitudes towards intercultural communicationIntercultural Awareness Thailand | 291

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