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Download - EnglishAgenda - British Council

Download - EnglishAgenda - British Council


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Workshop 3: Implementing Learner AutonomyObjectivesThrough this workshop, participants will:■■■■■■gain insight into a framework for developing learner autonomycritically evaluate the effectiveness of common learner autonomy activitiescompare the activities with those used in the Language Centre.Task 1: Analyzing a framework for implementing learner autonomyNunan (1997, p. 195) 6 proposes a framework for developing autonomy amonglearners in a language program. The framework is based on the assumptionthat learner autonomy is not an absolute concept and that there are degrees ofautonomy. The five levels are divided into two domains, content and process.Level Learner action Content Process1 Awareness Raising learners’ awarenessof the pedagogical goals ofthe materials used.2 Involvement Learners are involved inselecting their own goalsfrom a list of alternativesgiven.3 Intervention Learners are take part inmodifying and adapting thegoals and content of theprogram.4 Creation Learners create their owngoals and objectives.5 Transcendence Learners go beyond theclassroom and make linksbetween what they learn inclass and the outside world.Learners identifystrategy implicationsof pedagogical tasksand identify their ownpreferred learning styles/strategies.Learners make choicesamong a range of options.Learners adapt tasks.Learners create their owntasks.Learners become teachersand researchers.To what extent might this framework guide the way learner autonomy is promotedin the Language Centre?Task 2: Strategies for implementing learner autonomyBelow is a list of strategies for promoting learner autonomy.1. Which of these are familiar to you and which are new?2. Which of these opportunities for promoting learner autonomy are available inthe Language Centre? To what extent are they used effectively?262 | Teacher Beliefs Autonomy

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