Download - EnglishAgenda - British Council

Download - EnglishAgenda - British Council

Download - EnglishAgenda - British Council


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their parents from different parts of the city. A summary of school characteristics ispresented in Table 1 below.School 71- a small town school with over 600 pupils; average class size: 25 pupils- offers English and German- early FLL offered long before it became mandatory in 2003- very positive attitudes to FLL; German highy popular too (manyfamilies with someone having worked as guest workers in Germanspeakingcountries)- involved in international ecological projects- EFL teacher – one was a class teacher with a minor in English, tworeplacements were unqualified teachersSchool 72- well equipped by Croatian standards: video and CD player, acomputer room with software for FL teaching (but not used withlower primary classes), interactive whiteboard in IT classroom;library equipped with authentic books for children and simplifiedreaders in English- a very modern small town school with around 800 pupils, averageclass size: 25- offers English and German- early FLL offered long before it became mandatory in 2003; localcommunity had covered the costs- very positive attitudes to FLL; German highy popular too (manyfamilies with someone having worked as guest workers in Germanspeakingcountries)- EFL teacher - class teacher with a minor in English- very well equipped: one computer with FL software in eachclassroom, interactive whiteboard in IT classroom, video and CDplayer; authentic English books for children in the library164 | Early EFL Learning

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