Download - EnglishAgenda - British Council

Download - EnglishAgenda - British Council

Download - EnglishAgenda - British Council


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Appendix 2: Sample InterviewSchedule1. Let’s start by talking about what ‘autonomy’ means to you. In a few words, howwould you sum up your views on what learner autonomy is?2. What for you are the key characteristics of an autonomous language learner?3. In item 36 – ‘Learner autonomy has a positive effect on success as a languagelearner’ – you agreed. Can you tell me a little more about how you see therelationship between learner autonomy and language learning?4. How have you come to develop the views you hold today about learnerautonomy and its value?[Prompt as required – the aim here is to explore the roots of their current viewson learner autonomy]:a. Is it an issue you have focused on in your training as a language teacher?b. Have you worked in other contexts where autonomy has been consideredan important issue to develop with learners?c. What about your own experience as a language learner – do you feelautonomy was/has been an issue you were aware of?5. Focus on Section 2: Desirability and feasibility of learner autonomy.a. In terms of decision-making, you were quite positive both about thedesirability and feasibility of learner involvement. But to what extent arelearners actually involved in such decisions?b. You were also positive about the feasibility and desirability of learnershaving certain abilities. Again, does this mean you have a positive view ofthe situation you work in?6. Focus on Section 3 Question 1 – “In general, the students I teach English mostoften to at SQU have a fair degree of learner autonomy”.a. Your answer to this question was strongly agree. Could you say more aboutwhy you feel this way?b. What is it that learners do to make you feel that they have a fair degree ofautonomy?c. Are there any other particular factors at the LC that hinder learnerautonomy?Teacher Beliefs Autonomy | 251

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