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Download - EnglishAgenda - British Council

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Appendix B: TRFG3 TranscriptexcerptR2: So you know, typically, though,the teachers in a seminar willwork together in a small groupand solve a problem like this.FG4: Yes, oo [yes].R2: There will be some output fromthat group work, and then –R1: What to do with the output. Whatcan be done with the outputafter problem solving?FG4: Then I think the output will bepresented to the body in aplenary session, then some ofthe group will critique, and thenthe ones who is conducting thetraining will jot down the bestfeature of the presentation, tracesimilarities and differences, andafter that you can input to whatis really the side output of theactivity. And then –R2: Okay. So you get a critique fromthe group first.FG4: Yes. Other group will critiquethe presentation of the onespresenting their output.R2: Or is it also possible for thatgroup that did the output to givethe first critique?FG4: Yes, yes. Oo [yes]. The onespresenting will critique theirwork, the other group – the oneslistening will also critique, andprobably the trainers will do thesame.R2: Right.FG4: To make a maximum –R2: Why do you feel that it’s first ofall going to start with a group oranother group themselves ratherthan the trainer in doing thecritique?FG4: The other group?R1: Why – the first group.R2: Why do you think theparticipants, it doesn’t matterwhere they’re from, but the point– I think, ma’am, you said thatyou would start with the otherparticipants being the ones tobegin the critique.FG4: It’s – psychologically, it’s good,because they will – of course,they will – before the critiquingprocess will surface, of coursethere will be criteria to beconsider. I think that group,intellectual ones, and Englishteachers at that, will be amenableto underscore all the criteria tobe consider in critiquing, and sothey will be very objective in alsojotting down the good feature oftheir output and the weaknessesof the output.R2: But ma’am, why not begin –why not just have the trainerdo the critique? Why have theparticipants do it, first of all, asyou suggested?FG4: It’s good to see your limitationfirst, rather others see that. Butthere’s a saying that our eyes346 | Best Practice INSET

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