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Download - EnglishAgenda - British Council

Download - EnglishAgenda - British Council


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focus group data, and some of the reasons why it was seen to be importantwere as follows:I: When there is no activity, the concentration span is only 15 minutes, afterwhich the teachers will not focus anymore. They will talk, they will doother things. On the other hand, when there are activities ... they will beinterested; they will be inspired, they will participate. ... even old peoplesare still eager to participate, and they really feel good if they have things todo and if their efforts are complimented and appreciated or affirmed. [SI–3:201]FG3: …we see to it that in the conduct of the training, or in the delivery, it is moreengaging and interactive … Because we don’t want that we will just – it’s aone-way traffic. That it’s only coming from the lecturer, or from the speaker,or from the facilitator. But rather, it will be – and a more engaging one,where the participants has to relate with the materials … So it’s –FG4: A free interaction.FG3: – it’s a multi-process. So it’s a two- or three-way process.R1: Mm. Mm.R2: Okay. Thank you.FG1: And in other words, it’s life-giving. [chuckles] It’s life-giving.FG2: In order to have good output, we should also need to have good input.[TRFG1: 852-858]Also, with reference to the previous point, concerning the importance of input inthe training process, these data can be seen to imply that i) however valuable itmay be, if input is delivered in a lecture mode, it should be kept relatively short,and ii) it is possible (and desirable) to provide input in an interactive, participativeway;■■ it was also seen as desirable for the training approach to be ‘participantcentred’(Qs.26 & 27), in the sense of taking trainee’s points of view intoaccount, answering their questions, and so on;■■knowing why a teaching idea being advocated was also regarded as important(Q.28) – the following part of the focus group data indicates that suchinformation was seen as deepening the potential for ‘ownership’ of the trainingcontent:FG4: Because you know the rationale or the reason behind why you should usethat particular strategy. Because you believe that that strategy will work,will spell a difference in terms of teaching and learning process, becauseyou believe that that was already piloted, tested, and it has a very goodresult. And so adhering to that belief or adhering to that principle behindwill help that teacher own that kind of strategy. [TRFG3: 659]Best Practice INSET | 327

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