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Download - EnglishAgenda - British Council

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R: So … what has been the effect, other than the teacher saw herself orhimself? Did it translate into change of behaviour?I: Yeah, yeah. I think so. First, the supervisor was more confident that he wasreally able really give good feedback, and the trust and confidence of theteacher to the observer …R: Yeah.I: If the principal is not a major of English, it’s building confidence of theprincipal, that “even though I’m a major of TLE [Technology and LivelihoodEducation], I can mentor the teacher”. [SI-5: 450-475]Here, such an approach to conducting observation feedback is seen as enablingteachers to obtain a clearer picture of their teaching, as well as making it possiblefor non-ELT specialists to also provide useful feedback.Finally, there was a reasonable level of strength of agreement with the propositionin Q.57 (that the teacher should be allowed to take the lead in the feedback),but also a degree of reservation (c. 43 per cent ‘strongly agreed’, while c. 50 percent ‘agreed’). The interview and focus group data concerned with this featurewere patterned in a similar way. Thus, there were several occasions where theadvantages of letting the teacher take the lead were mentioned, such as thepotential for increased receptivity, e.g:FG3: … sometimes, it [i.e., feedback coming initially from the observer] will createa negative feeling on the part of the teacher. You are the one presentingthe lesson, and then this particular observer will tell you, “you have donethis wrong. You have done ...“ You have the tendency to – instead of takingthe suggestion positively, it will create an impression, a bad impressionon you that next time ... so it is much better that the reaction or feedbackshould come first from the teacher, so maybe the observer can say, “whatdo you think is the best part of your lesson? Could you think of possibleways to make ...” so more or less, it is not that hurting on the part of theteacher [laughter] – on the part of the teacher observed.FG1: Yes, and the observer – probably the observer can say, “you see, you can[do] better than what you just did. You still have more ideas.” [crosstalk,laughter] [TEFG1: 635-636]On the other hand, such an approach was not seen as of equal potential value forall teachers, such as those with less experience:When it comes to the evaluation of oneself, when it comes to teaching, the newone, the new in the service are having the hard time evaluating their own self.But it is through the guidance of the principal that the teachers will know herstrengths and weaknesses. [EPI-3: 223]338 | Best Practice INSET

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