Download - EnglishAgenda - British Council

Download - EnglishAgenda - British Council

Download - EnglishAgenda - British Council


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Students’ course evaluation5. b c d e f g h i ja. How would you rate the course content overall?b. How would you rate the weekly activities?c. How would you rate the discussion forums?d. How would you rate the chat room sessions?e. How would you rate the teaching and learning?f. I liked doing this course online.g. I would prefer to do this course face-to-face (not online)h. How would you rate the support and guidance?i. How would you rate your progress and achievement?j. How would you rate the course overall?Table 2: Students’ course evaluationThe student evaluations for the course are shown in Table 2 with a score of5 being ‘excellent’ and 1 ‘awful’. Twenty-two of the students completed theevaluation. As can be seen, overall the students’ evaluation was positive. All of thecategories received an average rating of better than 3 (neutral) with many around4 (good). Those areas which were rated most highly were the discussion forum,the teaching and learning, which included explanations, course organisation andopportunities for student contribution, the support and guidance and the courseoverall. The lowest rating was for progress and achievement which may representmodesty on the part of the students and is usually the area which is rated loweston similar questionnaires used for other online courses in e-languages. It mayseem contradictory that students gave similar ratings to ‘I like doing this courseonline’ and ‘I would rather do this course face-to-face’. Yet, as the interviewsrevealed, many students reporting that they enjoyed the course online but offereda choice between doing it online or face-to-face they would choose face-to-face.Alongside the quantitative data presented in Table 2 qualitative data was collectedthrough the interviews. This data offered an explanation of some of the evaluationsgiven in Table 2 as well as providing a more complex and richer picture of someof the participants’ attitudes towards the course. A number of salient themesIntercultural Awareness Thailand | 281

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