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Download - EnglishAgenda - British Council

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ecause the sound system is not functioning well. So we cannot hear, and it’s amass training, and everybody gets uneasy and everything. There is a tendencynot to listen to the speaker anymore because of the place. So the place is veryimportant. And make sure that everybody gets to be as comfortable as they can,but not too comfortable, or else they’ll sleep [STEI – 3: 151 6 ]No. Question Mean SD1. Trainees should be given information about all the mainfeatures of the training well in advance of it.2. It is important to ensure that the trainees who attend thetraining are the ones whom it is intended for.3. It is important for the training venue to be comfortable(well-ventilated, good facilities, etc.).4. It is fair to expect teachers to pay their own expenses inconnection with the training.5. The period in the school year when the training takesplace is likely to have an important effect on its success.6. The number of trainees attending the training is likely tohave an important effect on its success.Table 1: Before the training – logistics3.70 0.4793.68 0.4843.85 0.3562.24 0.9953.51 0.5453.56 0.546On the other hand, as the mean for Q.4 shows, views were divided about the ideathat teachers should have to pay their own expenses to attend training, with themajority opposed (c. 40 per cent of responses fell into the ‘strongly agree’ and‘agree’ categories, but c. 60 per cent into the ‘disagree’ or ‘strongly disagree’ones). The means for Qs.5 and 6 indicate that the timing of the seminar within theschool year was thought to be an important factor, as was the question of thenumber of trainees attending. Regarding the former, the issue was seen by one ofthe interviewees as one of too little time being allowed between the training andhaving to put the teaching ideas into practice (cf. responses to Q.53 below), asfollows:I 7 : Not just –R: Before the –I: – three days before class opening, and the teacher will have to implementit in the classroom.R: I see.I: I think that was too short a time. [SI-4: 297-301]Also, regarding Q.6 (numbers attending a seminar), an illustration from one of thefocus group discussions of experiences affecting views about this topic was asfollows (cf. responses to Q.39 below):FG4 8 : Because when you’re too crowded in a seminar, minsan [sometimes] 9 youcannot situate yourself comfortably. So...FG3: Yeah, I attended a national seminar… and I agree with Ma’am that too manydelegates will – you wouldn’t be able to understand what those speakersare talking about, because you are at the back. [TEFG4: 167-168]Best Practice INSET | 319

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