Planning education to care for the earth - IUCN Knowledge Network

Planning education to care for the earth - IUCN Knowledge Network

Planning education to care for the earth - IUCN Knowledge Network


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Nepal: Environmental <strong>education</strong> and awarenessas elements of <strong>the</strong> National Conservation StrategyBadri Dev PandeAbstractA National Conservation Strategy was adopted by <strong>the</strong> Government ofNepal in 1988. In <strong>the</strong> project <strong>to</strong> implement <strong>the</strong> strategy, <strong>the</strong>environmental <strong>education</strong> programme has assisted <strong>the</strong> <strong>education</strong>authorities in preparing and testing classroom materials thatincorporate environmental elements in existing and new courses <strong>for</strong>primary and secondary schools. The programme has also helped <strong>to</strong>organize conferences <strong>to</strong> elaborate national policy, teacher trainingactivities, <strong>the</strong> preparation of curricula and textbooks, and <strong>the</strong> inclusionof environmental <strong>education</strong> in <strong>the</strong> training of extension workers.Collaboration with non-governmental organizations and a variety ofawareness-raising initiatives have proved valuable.IntroductionNepal was one of <strong>the</strong> first countries <strong>to</strong> adopt <strong>the</strong> World ConservationStrategy recommendation <strong>to</strong> prepare a National Conservation Strategy(NCS). The NCS was completed in 1987 after nearly three years of work andendorsed as a policy by <strong>the</strong> government in 1988. Environmental <strong>education</strong>(EE) is a key element of <strong>the</strong> strategy and from <strong>the</strong> outset has been promotedby <strong>the</strong> Environmental Education Programme (EEP) of <strong>the</strong> NCSImplementation Project.Government support continues in <strong>the</strong> face of seriously deterioratingenvironmental conditions in <strong>the</strong> country. The Eighth Five-year Plan (1992-97) includes a provision <strong>for</strong> EE at all levels of <strong>for</strong>mal <strong>education</strong>, technical<strong>education</strong>, teacher training, non-<strong>for</strong>mal adult <strong>education</strong> and in-serviceprogrammes. The National Education Commission has identified instructionin <strong>the</strong> prudent use of natural resources and in conservation of <strong>the</strong> nationalheritage as a responsibility of <strong>the</strong> <strong>education</strong> system.The Five-year Plan also stresses <strong>the</strong> need <strong>to</strong> use mass media <strong>to</strong> raise publicawareness of <strong>the</strong> issues. A newly-<strong>for</strong>med Environment Protection Councilheaded by <strong>the</strong> Prime Minister can issue directives <strong>to</strong> government agenciesand encourage <strong>the</strong> private sec<strong>to</strong>r in promotion of <strong>the</strong>se goals. <strong>IUCN</strong> assists<strong>the</strong> National <strong>Planning</strong> Commission and its Environment and ResourceConservation Division <strong>to</strong> coordinate NCS implementation, including EE andawareness-raising, now under way at many levels.Taking advantage of <strong>the</strong>se positive policies of <strong>the</strong> government <strong>to</strong>wards EE,143

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