New! - Norman Equipment Co.

New! - Norman Equipment Co.

New! - Norman Equipment Co.


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IV. Safety Standards,Marking and theEuropean Machinery Directive33What is the “” mark and what does it mean?The “CE” mark (for <strong>Co</strong>nformite Europeene) is a symbolapplied to finished products and machinery which meetapplicable European Directives. For electrical and electronic“finished products,” these include the Low VoltageDirective and, where relevant, the Electromagnetic<strong>Co</strong>mpatibility (EMC) Directive.34No, the CE mark is not a safety mark. It simply serves toadvise European customs officials that the product meetsall applicable European Directives, allowing it to be placed35The CE mark on a machine indicates that the machineas a whole conforms to the requirements of theEuropean Machinery Directive (EMD). The EMD statesthat the machine must comply with the Essential Health& Safety requirements and the EMC.Does the mark on a safety interlock switch,coded-magnet sensor, safety controller or otherfinished product intended for use in a safetycircuit signify the product is safe?on the European Economic Market Area (The EuropeanUnion and the countries of Iceland, Liechtenstein andNorway).Are third-party approvals needed to apply themark to safety components?Third-party examination by an approved, independenttesting agency or notified body is required for some safetycomponents. Specific products include light curtains,safety mats, and two-hand controls. In addition somecountries, such as Germany, require third-party certificationfor safety circuit controllers.For most other safety components (such as interlockswitches, coded-magnet sensors, limit switches, et al)self-certification by the manufacturer is acceptable.380Despite this liberty, as policy SCHMERSAL has all oftheir safety products certified by an independent thirdparty (such as the BG).Whether third-party or self-certified, all CE-marked componentsmust be documented by a Declaration of<strong>Co</strong>nformity. This document, signed by a highly positionedtechnical manager (e.g. Director of Engineering, et al),lists all standards and directives to which the productconforms. In addition, component manufacturers mustmaintain technical files documenting test results, etc.

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