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New! - Norman Equipment Co.


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SELECTED MACHINE SAFEGUARDINGTERMINOLOGYAuthorized Output: an output from a safety controller’spositive-guided relays (used to “authorize” or “enable” amachine’s start circuit when safety system conditionsexist). Also known as “safety output.”Automatic Reset: a safety controller reset circuit thatautomatically resets the safety controller when safesystem conditions (no system faults) exist. A manualreset button is optional.Auxiliary output: a non-safety related contact closureor semiconductor output primarily used for signalingcomponent or system status to a PLC, audible alarmor visual indicator (such as a stack light). Also called a“signaling contact” or “auxiliary monitoring contact”.ANSI (American National Standards Institute): anassociation of industry representatives who, workingtogether, develop safety and other technical standards.Auxiliary monitoring contact: See “auxiliary output”.BG (Berufgenossenschaft): an independent Germaninsurance agency whose legislative armrecommends industry safety practices.One of many “notified bodies” authorizedto certify that safety products comply withall relevant standards.CE (<strong>Co</strong>nformité Europeéne) mark: a symbol (CE)applied to finished products and machinery indicatingit meets all applicable European Directives. For electricaland electronic “finished products”, such as a safety relaymodule, these include the Low VoltageDirective and, where relevant, theElectromagnetic <strong>Co</strong>mpatibility (EMC)Directive.<strong>Co</strong>ded-Magnet Sensor: a two-piece position sensorconsisting of an array of reed switches and a multiplemagnet array-actuating element. Such devices will onlydeliver an output signal when the reed switch elementis in the presence of a matched, multiple-magneticfield array. <strong>Co</strong>ded-magnet sensors cannot be actuatedusing a simple magnet. Hence they are far more difficultto defeat/bypass than a simple magnetic switch orproximity sensor.<strong>Co</strong>ntrol Reliability: A term applied to safety devices orsystems which are designed constructed and installedsuch that the failure of a single component within thedevice or system does not prevent normal machinestopping action from taking place…but does410 prevent a successive machine cycle frombeing initiated.CSA (Canadian Standards Association): an independentCanadian testing and standards-makingorganization similar to UnderwritersLaboratories (UL) in the U.S. “CSA-certified”products meet relevant CSA electrical andsafety standards.Declaration of <strong>Co</strong>nformity: a manufacturer’s self-certifieddocument, signed by a highly-positioned technicalmanager, which lists all the Standards and Directives towhich a product conforms. A Declaration of <strong>Co</strong>nformityis mandatory for all CE-marked products, and formachine components which, if they fail, could lead to adangerous or hazardous situation on a machine.Defined Area: a predetermined area scanned by a lightbeam within which the presence of an opaque object ofspecified minimum size will result in the generation of acontrol signal.Direct-Action <strong>Co</strong>ntacts: See “positive-break” contacts.Diverse Redundancy: the use of different componentsand/or different microprocessor instruction sets writtenby different programmers in the design and constructionof redundant components/circuits. Its purpose is toincrease system reliability by minimizing the possibilityof common-mode failure (the failure of like componentsused in redundant circuits).Dual-Channel Safety System: a safety control systemcharacterized by two inputs; each connected to one oftwo independent safety circuits. Dual-channel systemsare typically capable of detecting interconnection wiringfaults such as open circuits, short-circuits and groundfaults. As such they provide a higher level of safety thansingle-channel systems.E-Stop (Emergency Stop): the stopping of a machineby actuation of an “emergency stop” switch (such as asafety interlock switch, emergency push button switch,rope-pull switch, foot switch, or other actuating device.European Machinery Directive (EMD) 98/392/EEC:a set of machine safety design requirements which mustbe satisfied to meet the Essential Health and Safetystandards established by the European Economic<strong>Co</strong>mmunity. This Directive, and other relevant EuropeanDirectives (such as the Low Voltage Directive, EMCDirective, et al) must be satisfied for the machine tobear the CE mark.

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