Report of the Tiger Task Force - PRS

Report of the Tiger Task Force - PRS

Report of the Tiger Task Force - PRS


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■ JOINING THE DOTS TIGER TASK FORCE REPORTii) Infrastructure;iii) Biotic Pressure on <strong>the</strong> Wildlife Habitat;iv) Policy and Enforcement Issues;v) Research, Science and Monitoring ; andvi) Funds Related Issues7. Similarly, an attempt has also been made toprovide possible solutions to <strong>the</strong> problems listed in<strong>the</strong> preceding para within <strong>the</strong> existing legal andadministrative framework that exists in India. Thesolutions suggested (Part II) have been indicatedunder <strong>the</strong> following heads :i) Manage <strong>the</strong> Protected Area with CompetentOfficials so that Problems are Resolved ;ii) Sensitize <strong>the</strong> Centre and StateAdministration to <strong>the</strong> Needs <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Tiger</strong>;iii) Prevent Destruction <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Tiger</strong>’s Habitat;iv) Streng<strong>the</strong>n Research and Training Across<strong>Tiger</strong> Habitats;v) Provide Timely Funds to all SpeciallyDesignated <strong>Tiger</strong> Areas;vi) Legal Support; andvii) International Cooperation.8. The Plan <strong>of</strong> Action drawn up identifies <strong>the</strong>problems and provide solutions without becomingencyclopedic. The problems have to be tackled on awar footing to ensure that <strong>the</strong> solutions are faithfullyimplemented in <strong>the</strong> field in a time bound manner.The need <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> hour is implementation.9. Issues related to personnel matters need to begiven a very high priority because <strong>the</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficials whomanage <strong>the</strong> tiger’s landscape, and <strong>the</strong> local people,have to be committed and dedicated and trained tobe effective. This also raises issues like how do youcreate a system to ensure that <strong>the</strong> best person is on<strong>the</strong> job and how do we make him fully effective inthat job? Particularly given that <strong>the</strong> StateGovernments really make <strong>the</strong> final decisions in allpersonnel posting in reserves. How do we attemptthis?10. Similarly, to minimize human disturbance howdo you involve <strong>the</strong> forest management and <strong>the</strong> localinhabitants? Ultimately both <strong>the</strong> forest managementand <strong>the</strong> local people have to develop a sense <strong>of</strong> prideand satisfaction in what <strong>the</strong>y are doing if <strong>the</strong> forestsand wildlife are to be conserved and protected.Today <strong>the</strong> area in which tigers live undisturbed isgrossly inadequate and <strong>the</strong>refore <strong>the</strong> long termsurvival <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> tiger hangs in <strong>the</strong> balance.11. There has to be close coordination anddovetailing <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> activities initiated by <strong>the</strong> NationalLevel Committee headed by <strong>the</strong> Prime Minister, <strong>the</strong>State Level Committee headed by <strong>the</strong> Chief Ministerand <strong>the</strong> National Advisory Committee on Researchso that <strong>the</strong>y all move and act in tandem and becomereceptive mechanisms for change.12. It is with all <strong>the</strong>se factors in mind that this plan<strong>of</strong> action has been spelt out in a simple and straightforward way without too much detail whichwherever fur<strong>the</strong>r required has been left to <strong>the</strong>appropriate expert administrative and researchcommittees. This Plan <strong>of</strong> Action has been sostructured so as to ensure that <strong>the</strong> existing delicatebalance <strong>of</strong> responsibility and power between <strong>the</strong>Centre and <strong>the</strong> State is not disturbed.PART ITHE PROBLEMS1. FOREST PERSONNELi) Lack <strong>of</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>essionally trained, committed,competent and physically fit FieldDirectors and o<strong>the</strong>r <strong>of</strong>ficials.ii)The Forest Department’s mindset is that <strong>of</strong>an owner not a custodian.iii) There is no system <strong>of</strong> selectiveappointments to <strong>the</strong> sensitive posts atvarious levels in <strong>the</strong> PAs/<strong>Tiger</strong> Reserves.(Instead many are treated as punishmentpostings).iv) Vacant posts numbering nearly 5000 inPAs/<strong>Tiger</strong> Reserves.v) The average age <strong>of</strong> forest guards is above 50years.vi) No effective system <strong>of</strong> specialized training(induction stage, in service etc.)vii) Transfer policy – no fixed tenure.Irrational transfers on extraneousconsiderations.viii) Lack <strong>of</strong> incentives including special pay,housing, etc.ix) Insufficient promotion avenues –forestguards remain stagnant for years.x) Poor service conditions for front line staffin terms <strong>of</strong> provisions for ration, specialpay, family accommodation, workinghours, schooling, medical facilities,compensatory leave, life and o<strong>the</strong>r168 Annexures

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