Report of the Tiger Task Force - PRS

Report of the Tiger Task Force - PRS

Report of the Tiger Task Force - PRS


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TIGER TASK FORCE REPORT JOINING THE DOTS ■II.insurance policies etc.xi) Physical fitness programme – No trainingor drill centres on site.xii) Lack <strong>of</strong> effective disciplinary action systemagainst <strong>the</strong> delinquent <strong>of</strong>ficials.Punishment should be swift and act as adeterrent.xiii) Lack <strong>of</strong> priority for deployment <strong>of</strong> armedpolice in time <strong>of</strong> crisis/to sensitive area.INFRASTRUCTUREi) Forest Officials are not empowered to usefire arms for protection <strong>of</strong> Governmentproperty/forest produce/wildlife except inKarnataka/Tamil Nadu.ii) Inadequate as well as out dated fire armsexist with <strong>the</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficials and whereveravailable no proper training programme/facilities exist.iii) Lack <strong>of</strong> uniform, shoes, patrolling kit for<strong>the</strong> staff.iv) No/inadequate wireless hand-sets forcommunication.v) Inadequate mobility (motorcycles, jeeps,trucks, boats, etc.).vi) Inadequate forest chowkies/posts, antipoaching camps, patrol camps and staffquarters.vii) Poor service and maintenance <strong>of</strong> vehicles,wireless, chowkies/checkposts, buildings,equipments, etc.III. BIOTIC PRESSURE ON THE WILDLIFEHABITATi) Settlement <strong>of</strong> acquisition rights underWild Life (Protection) Act, 1972 pendingfor decades in PAs.ii) No effective steps taken to prevent andremove encroachments.iii) Very poor progress <strong>of</strong> relocation <strong>of</strong>villages located inside <strong>the</strong> NationalPark/sanctuary.iv)Inadequate compensation for <strong>the</strong> loss <strong>of</strong>life and property including crops resultingin anger and deliberate damage both towildlife and habitat.v) Habitat fragmentation due to ill conceivedprojects/schemes which have adverseimpact on PAs.vi) Absence <strong>of</strong> adequate wildlife corridorsconnecting one PA/<strong>Tiger</strong> Reserve withano<strong>the</strong>r.vii) Conflict <strong>of</strong> PA with local communityviii)(within as well as in peripheral villages).Rampant legal/illegal mining continues.ix) Unregulated and poor tourism management.x) Excessive/illegal grazing and removal <strong>of</strong>fuelwood, MFP, etc. continues atunsustainable levels.xi) Presence <strong>of</strong> roads (State and o<strong>the</strong>r roads)with heavy traffic passing through PAs.xii) Poor management <strong>of</strong> tigers outsidePAs/tiger reserves.IV. POLICY AND ENFORCEMENT ISSUESi) Lack <strong>of</strong> will at higher echelons <strong>of</strong> politicaland administrative set up at both Centreand State levels (committees hardly meet,decisions kept pending, whatever decisiontaken remains unimplemented, posts notfilled, dual charge, powers <strong>of</strong>transfer/posting misused, etc.).ii) Ineffective role <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> MoEF in conveningmeetings <strong>of</strong> committees, decision takingdelayed, poor follow up action ondecisions taken, appointments etc. Endlessrecommendations <strong>of</strong> expert committeesga<strong>the</strong>ring dust in MoEF for years e.g.iii)Subramanayam Committee.Lack <strong>of</strong> a grasp <strong>of</strong> human and ecologicalconcerns in wildlife conservation resultingin poor policy.iv) National Wildlife Action Plan (2002-2016)only on paper. Completely ignored andremains unimplemented.v) Lack <strong>of</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>essionally trained wildlife<strong>of</strong>ficials leading to poor enforcement <strong>of</strong>forest and wildlife laws which is a criticalcomponent in <strong>the</strong> protection work.vi)vii)viii)ix)Lack <strong>of</strong> coordination between Centre andState in <strong>the</strong> implementation <strong>of</strong> policies,laws, guidelines and directives.Lack <strong>of</strong> coordination amongst <strong>the</strong> variousagencies/departments.National Wildlife Crime Bureau is yet to beset up even though decision to create it wastaken eight years ago.Ineffective intelligence collection andnetworking at local level, state level,national level and international level, andabsent or ineffective in most States.V. RESEARCH, SCIENCE AND MONITORINGi) No wildlife management manual – <strong>the</strong>Protected Area manager has no guidelinesto refer to and no clear prescription t<strong>of</strong>ollow which leads to taking ad hocdecisions.ii) Absence/poor quality <strong>of</strong> ManagementPlan for Protected Area. Wherever <strong>the</strong>yAnnexures 169

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