Commentary on Psalms - Volume 3 - Bible Study Guides

Commentary on Psalms - Volume 3 - Bible Study Guides

Commentary on Psalms - Volume 3 - Bible Study Guides

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Comm <strong>on</strong> <strong>Psalms</strong> (V3)John CalvinPsalm 91:13-1613. Thou shalt walk over the li<strong>on</strong> and asp, the young li<strong>on</strong> and drag<strong>on</strong> shalt thou trample underfeet. 14. Because he hath trusted in me, I will deliver him; because he hath known my name, I willset him <strong>on</strong> high. 15. He shall call up<strong>on</strong> me, and I shall answer him: I will be with him in trouble;I will deliver him, and glorify him. 16. With length of days will I satisfy him, and I will show himmy salvati<strong>on</strong>.13. Thou shalt walk over the li<strong>on</strong> and asp. The same truth is here expressed in different words.He had already spoken of the obstacles which Satan throws in our course under the figure of ast<strong>on</strong>e. Now he speaks of the formidable troubles to which we are exposed in the world under thefigures of the asp, li<strong>on</strong>, young li<strong>on</strong>, and drag<strong>on</strong> So l<strong>on</strong>g as we are here we may be truly said to walkam<strong>on</strong>gst wild beasts, and such as threaten us with destructi<strong>on</strong>. And in this case what would becomeof us did not God promise to make us victorious over the manifold evils which everywhere impendus? N<strong>on</strong>e who seriously c<strong>on</strong>siders the temptati<strong>on</strong>s to which he is liable will w<strong>on</strong>der that the Psalmist,with the view of removing apprehensi<strong>on</strong> from the minds of the Lord’s people, should have adoptedthe language of hyperbole; nor indeed will he say that it is the language of hyperbole, but a trueand exact representati<strong>on</strong> of their case. We boast much of our courage so l<strong>on</strong>g as we remain at adistance from the scene of danger; but no so<strong>on</strong>er are we brought into acti<strong>on</strong>, than in the smallestmatters we c<strong>on</strong>jure up to ourselves li<strong>on</strong>s, and drag<strong>on</strong>s, and a host of frightful dangers. The Psalmistaccommodates his language to this infirmity of our carnal apprehensi<strong>on</strong>. The Hebrew word ,shachal, which in the Septuagint is rendered asp, 581 signifies a li<strong>on</strong>, and such repetiti<strong>on</strong> in thesec<strong>on</strong>d member of the sentence is usual in the Hebrew. There is therefore no occasi<strong>on</strong> for seekingany nice distincti<strong>on</strong> which may have been intended in specifying these four different kinds ofanimals; <strong>on</strong>ly by the li<strong>on</strong> and young li<strong>on</strong> we are evidently to understand more open dangers, wherewe are assailed by force and violence, and by the serpent and drag<strong>on</strong> hidden mischiefs, where theenemy springs up<strong>on</strong> us insidiously and unexpectedly, as the serpent from its lurking place. 582581 Calvin’s reading of this verse is different from that of our English <strong>Bible</strong>. According to it, thou, in the first clause, refers tothe Psalmist; while, according to him, it is to be understood of God. Hamm<strong>on</strong>d gives a similar versi<strong>on</strong>. “Because thou, O Lord!art my hope; thou hast made the Most High thy help or refuge.” All the ancient versi<strong>on</strong>s understand the first clause as spokenof God. In the Septuagint it is σὺ Κύριε ἡ ἔλπις μου, “thou, O Lord! art my hope.” Similar is the reading of the Chaldee, theSyriac, and Vulgate. But the last member of the verse, “thou hast made the Most High thy refuge,” is generally referred to thePsalmist, and regarded as a part of a soliloquy to which, when al<strong>on</strong>e, his soul gave utterance.582ἀσπιδα. The most ancient versi<strong>on</strong>s corresp<strong>on</strong>d in this respect with the Septuagint, as the Vulgate, St Jerome’s, Apollinaris’,the Syriac, Arabic, and Æthiopic versi<strong>on</strong>s, rendering , shachal, not by the li<strong>on</strong> but by the asp, though they are not agreed asto the particular kind of asp which is intended. This opini<strong>on</strong> is adopted by the learned Bochart, (Hieroz. volume 3, lib. 3, cap.3,) who thinks it probable that throughout the verse serpents <strong>on</strong>ly are spoken of, and other interpreters have c<strong>on</strong>curred in thesame view. He thinks , shachal, rendered “the li<strong>on</strong>,” is the black serpent, or hoemorhous; and , kepher, rendered “youngli<strong>on</strong>,” has been supposed to be the cenchris, which Nicander (Theriac, 5, 463) calls λέων ἄιολος, the spotted li<strong>on</strong>, because heis speckled, and, like the li<strong>on</strong>, raises his tail when about to fight, and bites and gluts himself with blood. Bochart objects to theli<strong>on</strong> and young li<strong>on</strong> being meant, <strong>on</strong> the ground of the inc<strong>on</strong>gruity of animals of so very different a nature as li<strong>on</strong>s and serpentsbeing joined together; and observes, that to walk up<strong>on</strong> the li<strong>on</strong> seems not a very proper expressi<strong>on</strong>, as men do not in walkingtread <strong>on</strong> li<strong>on</strong>s as they do <strong>on</strong> serpents. But the li<strong>on</strong> and the young li<strong>on</strong>, the rendering of later interpreters, corresp<strong>on</strong>d to each other,and preserve the parallelism for which the Hebrew poetry is distinguished, and the reas<strong>on</strong>s assigned by Bochart for setting itaside seem insufficient. The li<strong>on</strong> and the serpent are formidable animals to c<strong>on</strong>tend with; and Satan, <strong>on</strong>e of the enemies to be“put in subjecti<strong>on</strong> under the feet of Christ,” is, in the New Testament, compared both to the li<strong>on</strong> and the drag<strong>on</strong>, (1 Peter 5:8;Revelati<strong>on</strong> 12:9.) “Let it be added,” says Merrick, “that the Hebrew text says nothing of walking up<strong>on</strong> the li<strong>on</strong>, but has the word294

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