Deposit Draft Local Development Plan - Rhondda Cynon Taf

Deposit Draft Local Development Plan - Rhondda Cynon Taf

Deposit Draft Local Development Plan - Rhondda Cynon Taf

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5.41. <strong>Rhondda</strong> <strong>Cynon</strong> <strong>Taf</strong> has a strong cultural heritage and the Council are keento ensure that new developments continue to add to the cultural fabric ofthe area. In considering proposals for public art as part of developmentschemes, the Council will seek artist commissions that add cultural valueto the architecture, landscape design and sense of place. Public art may beintegrated with the built or natural environment of the site. Where theCouncil has an adopted strategy incorporating public art, it may negotiatecontributions to or the provision of, off-site installation of public art inpublic spaces to support these wider initiatives.5.42. Further guidance in respect of shopfronts and public art is contained in theSPG on Place Making.5.43. The Welsh language is integral to the identity, culture and history of Wales.Whilst <strong>Rhondda</strong> <strong>Cynon</strong> <strong>Taf</strong> does not have a large Welsh speakingpopulation as found in other parts of the Country, the Council is keen toensure that the spatial planning system protects and enhances Welshculture and language where possible.5.44. It is considered that there is currently no need for a specific LDP policy forthe Welsh language. The aims of protecting and enhancing the culture andheritage of the area can be secured through design and placemaking andother policies in the LDP, such as the Protection and Enhancement of theBuilt Environment and Community Infrastructure. The Council will alsorequire that development proposals for the 8 Strategic Sites demonstratehow the interests of Welsh culture and where appropriate language havebeen integrated into proposed schemes.Policy AW 7 - Protection and Enhancement of theBuilt Environment<strong>Development</strong> proposals which impact upon sites of architectural and/ or historical merit and sites of archaeological importance will onlybe permitted where it can be demonstrated that the proposal wouldpreserve or enhance the character and appearance of the site.<strong>Development</strong> proposals which affect areas of public open space,allotments, public rights of way, bridleways and cycle tracks willonly be permitted where it can be demonstrated that :-1. There is a surplus of such facilities in the locality, or;2. The loss can be replaced with an equivalent or greaterprovision in the immediate locality; or3. The development enhances the existing facility.5.45. The built environment and the man made features of archaeological,historic or architectural interests are integral to the quality of the CountyBorough’s environment. They are unique to <strong>Rhondda</strong> <strong>Cynon</strong> <strong>Taf</strong> and tracethe development of the area over time. Areas of recognised architecturaland / or historical merit or sites of archaeological importance include listedbuildings and conservation areas and their settings, registered historiclandscapes and historic parks and gardens and their settings; andarchaeological remains. The <strong>Plan</strong> area has 86 scheduled ancientmonuments, 366 listed buildings, 16 conservation areas, 1 registeredhistoric landscape and 5 registered historic parks and gardens, all of whichcontribute to the rich and diverse nature of the area. Over the plan period,52Preserving Our Heritage, Building Our Future

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