Deposit Draft Local Development Plan - Rhondda Cynon Taf

Deposit Draft Local Development Plan - Rhondda Cynon Taf

Deposit Draft Local Development Plan - Rhondda Cynon Taf

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Policy NSA 10 - Housing DensityProposals for residential development will be permitted where thenet residential density level is a minimum of 30 dwellings perhectare. Variation in density levels may be permitted where it canbe demonstrated that the proposed development:1. Does not adversely affect the character of the site orsurrounding area;2. Makes efficient use of the site, and3. Has regard to the amenity of existing and future residents.6.46. The Northern Strategy Area is characterised by high density, Victorianterraced housing, constructed to accommodate a rapidly expandingpopulation. Average density levels for terraced housing in the NorthernStrategy Area is 70 dwellings per hectare. Although some modern lowerdensity properties exist in the area, the supply is limited.6.47. In order to halt the process of depopulation it is essential to ensure asupply of new accommodation that is built to a high standard of designand provides diversity in the type of residential properties available. Thispolicy will require all new development in the Northern Strategy Area tobe built at a minimum density level of 30 dwellings per hectare. Althoughstill comparatively high, the imposition of a density level of 30 dwellingsper hectare will allow for diversity in the housing market whilst stillensuring the efficient use of land.6.48. <strong>Development</strong>s that propose lower or higher density levels will only bepermitted where it can be demonstrated that the proposed density levelmakes the most effective use of the land and does not adversely affect thecharacter of the site or surrounding area.Policy NSA 11 - Affordable HousingThe provision of 25% affordable housing will be sought on sites of30 units or more. On sites under 30 units, contributions will besought for the reuse / rehabilitation of existing older housing stockin the County Borough.6.49. In order to ensure the provision of affordable housing in the NorthernStrategy Area, the Council will seek the provision of 25% affordable housingon sites of 30 units or more. Commuted sums will be sought for the reuse/ rehabilitation of existing older housing stock in the County Borough onsites of more than 5 but less than 30 units.6.50. The percentage target for the Northern Strategy area recognises that siteviability in the Northern Strategy area is a major consideration. Thenumber of units sought may be reduced where it is clearly demonstratedthat a site’s location, the presence of abnormal development costs or otherindividual circumstances of the development, would result in thedevelopment not being economically viable with the above contributionthreshold. The Council will require evidence to support any proposedreduction in the provision of affordable housing.6.51. Research undertaken for the Council in 2004 indicated that there were4,000 empty properties within the County Borough. These vacantproperties provide a significant opportunity to add to the supply ofaffordable housing. The majority of these properties are located in theNorthern Strategy Area. The presence of such a high number of emptyproperties can have a significant impact on the character and appearanceof a settlement. In order to ameliorate this situation the Council will seekfinancial contributions from developers of sites of less than 30 units tobring empty properties back into beneficial occupation.78Preserving Our Heritage, Building Our Future

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