Deposit Draft Local Development Plan - Rhondda Cynon Taf

Deposit Draft Local Development Plan - Rhondda Cynon Taf

Deposit Draft Local Development Plan - Rhondda Cynon Taf

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Policy AW 11 - Existing Employment and Retail Uses<strong>Development</strong> proposals promoting alternative uses for existingemployment sites and retail units identified within the defined retailcentres, will be permitted where:-1. The site is not identified by policies NSA 14, NSA17, SSA14 ANDSSA15 of this plan; (Allocating policies)2. The retention of the site for employment / retail purposes hasbeen fully explored without success by way of marketing foremployment / retail purposes at reasonable market rates forminimum of 12 months;3. The redevelopment of derelict, unsightly, underused andvacant land for alternative uses will have significantregeneration benefits;4. Within the identified primary retail frontages, the proposalaccords with policies NSA 19 and SSA 17 of this plan.5. In the case of employment sites:a). A landbank of employment sites suitable to accommodatea range of employment uses across the plan area ismaintained;b). The proposed alternative use would not prejudiceadjoining employment land;c). The proposed use is for a sui generis use, which exhibits thecharacteristics of B1, B2, and B8 uses and which couldappropriately be accommodated on an employment site;d). The proposed use is a small, ancillary use which fallsoutside the B-Class uses but which supports the widerfunction of an employment site without affecting theintegrity of the sites.5.61. Whilst recognising that employment sites can be a scare and valuableresource, it is acknowledged that some existing sites are no longer suitedto the needs of the modern economy and may be become redundant overthe life of the plan. The policy aims to provide flexibility for the appropriatereuse of sites that are no longer required for employment purposes byproviding a basis for assessing proposals for other uses on existing land inindustrial / business use.5.62. The Council will closely scrutinise the evidence put forward to demonstratethat sites are no longer required for employment purposes and willconsider short and medium scale demand. The Council will require thatsites be marketed for a minimum of 12 months. Where the Council is of theopinion that a site’s size, location or role within the local / regionaleconomy is of significance, a longer period of marketing of up to two yearsmay be required.5.63. In exceptional circumstances; where the Council considers theregeneration and / or amenity benefits of an alternative use significantlyoutweigh the retention of the site for employment or retail use, a 12month marketing exercise may not be required.5.64. The maintenance of a landbank of sites, particularly where growth sectorscan be accommodated, is vital to the success of the County Borough’seconomic development. In considering alternative uses on employmentsites, the Council will ensure that an adequate range of sites – in terms oflocation, size and potential use – is maintained within the plan area. Small,ancillary uses which fall outside the B-Class uses, which support the widerfunction of employment sites and do not affect the integrity of these sites,may be permitted. Examples include cafés and crèches. Subject to thewaste policies of this plan, employment sites are considered suitable toaccommodate waste facilities.Preserving Our Heritage, Building Our Future57

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